Common Ants Invading Your South Florida Home

Common Ants Invading Your South Florida Home

South Florida Ant Control: Common Ants and Ant Prevention Tips

Ants are a major nuisance, infesting our kitchens, pantries, bathrooms, and more! Once an ant infestation occurs, it can be difficult to eliminate them. There are many different species that live in the South Florida area, all of which are attracted to different factors. Check out our list of popular South Florida Ants and how you can prevent them below.

Ghost Ants

Also known as sugar ants, ghost ants are known to invade your home, building their nests either inside the home or outside of your property. These pests are lighter in color and translucent, measuring around 1/16” as an adult. Ghost ants prefer sweet foods that are high in protein, often eating fruits such as honeydew.

You can often find multiple ghost ant colonies close together. These pests tend to build their colonies around flowerpots, under piles of wood, or any undisturbed place that is warm and damp. If they’ve infested your home, they tend to hide behind cabinets and baseboards.

Fire Ants

Fire ants are one of the most aggressive ant species in South Florida. These ants will bite, which can be very painful and leave a raised welt on the skin. Fire ants can reach up to 1.4 inch in length and are reddish-brown in color. While they prefer high-protein foods, they will feed on plants and animal matter.

These ants will bring multiple colonies to your property, creating mounds outside in sunny warm areas such as patios, sidewalks, driveways, and other open areas on your property. Fire ants are also attractive to shiny or reflective objects, often invading vehicles and swimming pools.

Crazy Ants

Harmless to humans, crazy ants are considered the more erratic ant species, getting their name from their erratic patterns of movement. These ants are dark brown to black but can range from reddish-brown to grayish colorations. Many can recognize them from their long antennae and legs. These ants prefer to eat sweeter food courses, such as honeydew in the spring and fall months. In the summer, they tend to feed on seeds and insects for protein.

These ants are highly adaptable, living in both wet and dry habitats. Their nests are typically in the soil, under leaf piles, in shrubs, and in the cavities of trees. They will enter homes, usually right after a rainstorm. Once inside, they can be found in walls, floor voids, and near hot water pipes and heaters.

Avoiding ants can seem impossible, especially during the summertime. Consider these ant prevention tips to help deter ants away from your property:

  • Seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, foundation, or exterior walls
  • Keep your plants and shrubbery trimmed back and away from your home
  • Store firewood and other yard debris at least 20 feet away from your home’s exterior
  • Consider utilizing a routine pest control service to help identify entry points, treat ants, and prevent future infestations.


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5 Signs You Need to Invest in Florida Pest Control

5 Signs You Need to Invest in Florida Pest Control

South Florida Pest Control Tips

Purchasing and owning a home is a serious investment for every homeowner. Ensuring that it’s aesthetically pleasing, in good repair, and healthy is at the top of our minds. The last thing we want to deal with is a pest infestation, though it’s likely to happen from time to time. While spotting one or two pests is not usually a big deal, if the problem becomes bigger than we can handle, it could be time to call an exterminator. Check out our top 5 signs that it’s time to contact your local South Florida pest control company.

Rodent Droppings

Finding rodent droppings is one of the first indications that a rat is inside your home. Rat droppings are found in dark, undisturbed places in the home, including basements, attics, or crawlspaces. If these creatures find their way inside, they can cause serious destruction, such as chewed electrical wires that can lead to house fires. They’re also known to carry diseases, putting your family’s health at risk.


Nests are usually found in basements, attics, or even old cabinets. Pests such as mice, birds, or rats will nest in your home to find a safe place to search for a food source, keep warm, and breed. Finding a nest usually means that the pest population inhabiting your home is getting larger.

Noises & Smells

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to scratches, tapping, or squeaking coming from the walls or attic? No, you are not in a horror movie, it’s an indication of a rat, rodent, bird, or termite infestation. These sounds can follow with strange, alarming smells such as the pest’s droppings or urine.

Property Damage

If you start to notice your home or the items in your home are damaged, it’s a sign that pests have snuck in. Spotting chewing or gnawing marks on our furniture, clothes, or walls indicates that rodents such as rats or mice are inside. Ants and termites are likely to destroy wood throughout the home, affecting your home’s structural integrity. Other pests, such as bed bugs, will often eat our bedsheets and mattresses.

Recurring Pest Problems

Many pests can be easily removed or controlled through some do-it-yourself pest control. But, sometimes, as much as we try to remove these pests ourselves, it might be time to call in the professionals for routine pest control service. Pest Control includes a thorough inspection of your home, pest identification, locating pest entry points, and ongoing treatment and pest prevention. Request a free pest control estimate now to get started.

Protect Your Tropical Plants from Fig Whiteflies

Protect Your Tropical Plants from Fig Whiteflies

South Florida Pest Control: Fig Whiteflies

While fig whiteflies are relatively new to the South Florida area, they have noticeably begun to create severe damage to the plants around us. While these whiteflies are not harmful to humans, they can destroy our favorite tropical plants in our yard. Learn more about the whitefly and how you can prevent them from destroying your plants!

What is a Fig Whitefly?

The Ficus whitefly their biology is still being studied by experts. What is certain about these pests is that they have an attraction to certain plants and their leaves. These pests will lay their eggs on the underside of leaves, hatching into a crawler stage. Once hatched, these crawlers will begin to feed on the leaves. As they feed, they emerge into adults and remain on the leaf. When these pests eat the leaves, they injure the host plant by drinking their juices, causing wilting, yellowing, and stunting. Whiteflies can affect a variety of plants such as Palm trees, mango trees, live oaks, Ficus trees, and more.

What Are the Signs of Fig Whiteflies?

Noticeable signs that whiteflies have infested are a buildup of white, waxy substance on the underside of leaves. This substance can weaken the plants and eventually turn into black mold. Another common sign of an infestation is noticing that the plant leaves are gone or have become yellow. You can also look underneath the infested leaves for small, silver, or white spots dotted throughout.

While these pests can affect plants, they can also clog pools and leave their excrement on cars and outdoor patio furniture.

How Can I Prevent Fig Whiteflies?

The best plan of action to prevent these pests is to closely monitor your plants for early signs of an infestation to get ahead of the damage. If you notice infested plants, trees, or hedges, look to trim them immediately. After trimming, bag the leaves to reduce the chance of spreading the whitefly.

If you feel whiteflies have taken over your property, consider reaching out to your local South Florida pest control provider, who can provide you with the best treatment plan to help prevent and eliminate these pests.

3 Signs You Need Summer Pest Control in South Florida

3 Signs You Need Summer Pest Control in South Florida

South Florida Pest Control

Florida summers can bring fun activities like lounging by the pool, sitting by the beach, hiking new trails, or spending time in your yard. Unfortunately, with summer comes a host of pests ready to ruin your outdoor plans. Now is the perfect time to look for summer pest signs and start your prevention! Check out three signs that you have a summer pest infestation.

Finding Entry Points

When looking for a pest infestation, the first thing a homeowner should check for is entry points leading into the home. Pests such as ants, cockroaches, house mice, spiders, and more can enter through these openings. Once these pests get inside the home, they can infest anywhere, making it difficult to find them. Check throughout the exterior of your home to find any entry points. If found, this is a good indication that pests have probably already infested. These entry points can include openings in the siding, gaps leading into the attic, or simply leaving your garage open throughout the day.

Hearing Unusual Sounds 

Have you ever woken to scratches or taps coming from your walls? While terrifying, this is an indication of pests such as rats, mice, and even termites! Depending on the pest, the sound heard could vary. Rats or mice will usually scratch or scurry in the walls, while termites tend to make a tapping noise. You might even hear birds or bats flapping above you in the attic. Whichever sound you hear, it’s best to get your home inspected by your local South Florida pest control company as soon as possible.

Noticing Structural Changes

Unfortunately, sometimes pests can cause severe and lasting damage to our homes. Pests such as termites, carpenter ants, and carpenter bees can burrow deep into the wood of your home, creating holes and damage. Inspect the interior and exterior of the home for soft flooring, peeling paint, or holes. These pests can cause damage quickly, so it’s best to get rid of them as soon as possible.

If you notice these pest signs above, an exterminator can conduct an inspection to determine the type of pest, and entry points, remove active pests and provide a pest preventative treatment plan. Request a free inspection now, or click on a location near you below.


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