Commercial Mosquito Control: A No Spray Way for Your Business

Commercial Mosquito Control: A No Spray Way for Your Business

Heat and humidity create an ideal environment for mosquitoes. With Spring here and Summer just a few months away, mosquito season has officially arrived. Mosquitoes are small, annoying, and their bites can pose serious health risks to humans. Every business wants to assure customers that their space is safe, and what better way to do so than with a no-spray solution for mosquitoes.

The In2Care mosquito trap is a perfect way to help prevent and eliminate mosquitoes throughout your entire property. This trap is unique, unlike any other, as it lures in mosquitoes with a special green treatment inside the trap. Once mosquitoes enter the trap, the treatment transfers to the mosquito’s legs, where it’s then spread to other breeding sites, like standing water or flower saucers. The spread of the treatment eliminates adult mosquitoes but also prevents the larva mosquitoes from developing further.

In2Care mosquito control_in2care bucket

This trap is perfect for businesses who are looking for an alternative green way for mosquito relief. Instead of spraying product around a property, the trap is placed in a shaded, vegetated area where mosquitoes are likely to breed. The green treatment used to eliminate mosquitoes does not target beneficial pests and remains environmentally and pet friendly.

In2Care for Business Benefits

  • It’s a no spray way, discreet system
  • Eliminates all mosquito life stages – from larva to adult
  • Strategically placed around the business so the trap is always working

As each business prepares for the dreaded mosquito season, giving your customers a green, no spray solution to keep them protected against mosquitoes provides peace of mind.

If your business is interested in our In2Care System, call our our Commercial Team at (888) 466-7849 or schedule a free inspection now.

Mosquito Yard Prep!

Mosquito Yard Prep!

It’s safe to say that mosquitoes are a major nuisance pest during the spring and summer months. These pests can quickly ruin a backyard barbeque with their incessant swarming and biting of your guests! Before peak mosquito season hits and their activity increases, prep your yard early to prevent mosquitoes.

Eliminate Breeding Sites

The elimination of breeding sites is essential to preventing mosquitoes. Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. If there has been a recent thunderstorm, it’s likely that objects in your yard are holding water. Items that can hold water include toys, buckets, outdoor pet bowls, and tire swings are all perfect places for mosquitoes to breed. Other objects meant to hold water, such as fountains or birdbaths, can also attract mosquitoes. Removing these objects or making sure to empty them of water will help eliminate the chance of mosquito infestations during the warmer months.

Clean Up Clutter

Leaves and debris after a thunderstorm can cause clogged gutters, resulting in the perfect place to breed mosquitoes. Ensure that your home’s gutters are clear of debris, especially after it’s been raining. Consider installing gutter guards that save you time, reduces the risk of injuries, and helps prevent mosquitoes and other pests. Mosquitoes also like to hide in tall grass and shrubbery. It’s crucial to maintain your grass and shrubs, keeping both trimmed and the grass cut short.

Call the Pros

Mosquito control and prevention can sometimes feel like a never-ending battle. A professional pest control company can provide homeowners with a customized prevention and treatment plan to help eliminate these pests. Being proactive and starting mosquito treatments now will help in controlling mosquitoes during peak season!

Why Rain and High Temperatures Bring Mosquitoes

Why Rain and High Temperatures Bring Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes, known to be a top summer nuisance pest, are a huge problem when they invade your property. With consistently heavy rains and warm temperatures, it seems like these insects never go away. Why is it that these pests seem to come out excessively when it’s hot and raining? 

It’s important to note that mosquito activity can vary from region to region, depending on the temperature of the area. Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects; therefore, these pests won’t disappear until temperatures are consistently below 50 degrees. In areas of high temperatures, mosquito activity increases making summer peak mosquito season. Because of this, if it’s warm in the area you live in you’ll most likely see mosquitoes around.

When it comes to the rain, mosquitoes aren’t particularly attracted to the actual rainfall, but instead to what the rain leaves behind. Standing water brings mosquitoes for one reason – a place to lay their eggs. The water that’s left behind from rain provides the ideal place for their eggs to survive and hatch. It’s important to note that if any water is left undistributed for a long period of time, the eggs laid will eventually hatch and create even more mosquitoes to invade your property. 

While rain and heat are inevitable during the summer months, they don’t mean there isn’t a solution to prevent mosquitoes. Here are some easy ways you can keep mosquitoes away from your property,

  • Remove standing water from flowerpots, birdbaths, tarps, and any containers in or around your yard holding standing water
  • Remove piles of leaves and debris from your yard and gutters, as these can give mosquitoes a place to hide and breed
  • Cover any objects that can hold or collect standing water that can’t be removed, such as pools and boats
  • If you’re constantly battling mosquitoes, it might be time to contact a professional pest control company to help eliminate them and provide an ongoing prevention plan.
How Much Does A Mosquito Treatment Cost?

How Much Does A Mosquito Treatment Cost?

The peak of mosquito season is from April to October. During this time, mosquitoes invade, leaving behind itchy bites and aggravation. They are also capable of spreading serious diseases such as Zika and West Nile virus. While many of us take precautions by using mosquito repellent and wearing long sleeved clothing, sometimes these prevention techniques just aren’t enough. A mosquito treatment is often needed to help control mosquito populations.

There are two options to mosquito treatments – green and traditional. Green mosquito treatments utilize products derived from flowers and bacteria that are only applied to the areas where they are needed, minimizing their impact on surrounding areas. These treatments also work on adult and larvae.

A traditional mosquito treatment consists of 5 steps:

  • A property inspection to help identify any potential mosquito breeding sites.
  • A service guarantee where a technician will come back in between scheduled visits to address any problems at no additional charge.
  • Mosquito source reduction where areas of standing water and other potential breeding sites are eliminated.
  • Larvicide treatments to target these potential breeding areas.
  • Adulticide treatments to target adult resting areas.

How much does a mosquito treatment cost? Treatments typically last between 21 and 30 days and should be applied as often. Most treatments are billed per 1/4 acre or per 1/2 acre. Generally only the perimeter of the yard is treated, concentrating on areas of foliage and woods. The average cost of a mosquito treatment is between $350 and $500 per season for a 1/4 to 1/2 acre property. This cost can range anywhere from $325 up to $1900 depending on the size of the property and the frequency of treatments. Mosquito treatments are performed on a monthly basis with an average of $70 to $100 cost per visit. Some companies will offer a discount on this rate if you sign up for recurring treatments.

While there are DIY mosquito treatments available, a professional pest control company has the experience, training, and equipment to get rid of mosquitoes and keep them away. Most will utilize an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program that combines a variety of treatment and control methods to eliminate mosquitoes with minimal impact to the surrounding environment.


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10 Common Myths About Pest Control

10 Common Myths About Pest Control

A myth is defined as a widely held but false belief or idea. While myths are often based on some semblance of the truth, more often than not they are exaggerations or misunderstanding or even outright falsehoods. There are tons of myths regarding pests and pest control, some completely outrageous and others almost believable. Here are 10 of our favorite pest control myths.

1. Bees Can Only Sting Once

You’ve heard this one before. Once a bee stings you it can’t sting you again. This is one of those myths that is partly based in the truth. Honeybees, and ONLY honeybees, can only sting once. Other varieties of bees, wasps, hornets, etc. can sting as many times as they want. So be prepared – just because you’ve been stung once doesn’t mean there aren’t more stings coming along right behind that one.

2. Bees Will Only Attack When Provoked

This is another common myth you’ve probably heard – if you don’t mess with a bee it won’t mess with you. Once again, this is not the case. Bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and other stinging insects will sting you if they feel they or their colony are being threatened. This could be something as simple as walking too close to their nest. If a nest is spotted on or near your home, remove it safely or call a professional to remove it for you.

3. Bugs Won’t Come In A Clean House

This is a big misconception in pest control. Just because your house is clean doesn’t mean you are immune to bugs and other pests. While a dirty house can make a pest stay longer, a clean house doesn’t keep them out. Bugs come into a home in search of three things: food, water, and shelter. While an unkempt house can provide more opportunity for these 3 things, a clean house can provide them, as well. What is more important is sealing any entry points that pests can use to access your home.

4. Seeing A Cockroach Means Your House Is Dirty

This myth is similar to #3. Once again, cockroaches will come into your home for 2 main reasons: food and shelter. While they may find these in more abundance in a dirty home, they can also find them in a clean home too. Once a cockroach infestation is established it can be extremely difficult to get rid of. Cockroaches can enter through an opening the size of a quarter so sealing any possible entry points is critical in preventing them.

5. Mosquitoes Only Come Out At Dawn And Dusk

This is another myth that is based in part on the truth. Some species of mosquitoes are more active at dawn and dusk but mosquitoes can be active at all hours as long as there is food available. Best practice is to utilize mosquito prevention techniques anytime you will be outdoors.

6. Bug Zappers Can Eliminate Mosquitoes

This one is blatantly false. Bug zappers use ultraviolet (UV) light to attract insects into its cage. Mosquitoes aren’t attracted to UV light at all so they won’t be anywhere near the bug zapper. Bug zappers also don’t usually have enough power to actually kill the insects it attracts so it can have a reverse effect on insect populations around your home.

7. Mice Love Cheese

We’ve all seen or heard this one, either in a story or on TV. While mice will snack on the crumbs of just about any food, cheese actually isn’t their first choice. They would prefer to snack on foods that are high in sugar like peanut butter, candy, honey, or dried fruit. In fact, chocolate or peanut butter are the best choices to use in a mouse trap.

8. Bed Bugs Can Be Eliminated With DIY Techniques

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to eliminate once they establish an infestation in your home. They are extremely small and only come out to feed at night, making them very hard to locate and identify. They can also multiply rapidly and can infest a structure very quickly. Because of this, they are extremely difficult to get rid of on your own and most cases require professional treatments to eradicate.

9. Termites Can’t Damage Brick Or Concrete Slab Homes

This is one of the biggest myths of pest control. While termites don’t actually eat brick or concrete, they have no trouble crawling over them to get to the wood beam structures that were used to build your home. For this reason, termites can, in fact, cause significant damage to brick and concrete slab homes.

10. If You Don’t See Any Bugs They Aren’t There

Just because you don’t see any bugs or any damage from them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Termites and carpenter ants can cause damage for months before any signs of their damage become visible. Most infestations are well established before any damage is detected. Bed bugs are also hard to spot and often go unseen but leave devastating signs of their presence behind.

While all of these myths about pest control aren’t true, one thing that is true is prevention is the most effective way to avoid a pest infestation. If you suspect you have a pest control issue, contact a professional pest control company whose technicians are trained in the latest technologies and methods to help identify and eliminate your pest problem.


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