DIY Pest Control Solutions for Your Lakeport Home

DIY Pest Control Solutions for Your Lakeport Home

It’s inevitable to come across certain pests, especially during the warmer months of the year. Though, with Florida’s tropical weather year-round, it can seem like dealing with pests is nonstop. Roaches, mice, mosquitoes, and ants are just a few pests that can take over a household, become an annoyance, spreading disease, and causing damage to your home. One of the best ways to avoid a pest infestation is preventing them in the first place by placing do-it-yourself pest proofing measures throughout your home. Check out our list of DIY pest control tips you can utilize:

Make Your Home Less Pest-Attractive

Pests are attracted to three things: food, shelter, and water. The best way to keep pests from entering your home is to get rid of what they’re attracted to. Try to keep your home as clean as possible, vacuuming and sweeping on a regular basis. Likewise, repair any leaky pipes and faucets both inside and outside of your home. Avoid leaving your pet’s food and water bowls overnight, taking them in and storing their leftover food in plastic containers with lids. Declutter your home, removing any old magazines, newspapers, and cardboard boxes you don’t need.

Seal Them Out

Mice, ants, and roaches can enter through the smallest hole or gap they find. It’s important to take the time to inspect the outside of your home for any potential entry points, sealing them up with either caulk or steel wool, depending on how large it is. Don’t forget to check foundations, food frames, windows, utility pipes, cables and wires, and the roof for any potential opening pests could enter in from. Repair any broken windows or screens and fil openings in pipes and vents.

Don’t Forget Outside

To get to your home, pests must enter your yard first, so it’s important to keep it less attractive to them as it is your home. Regularly mow your grass, keeping it short and eliminating any weeds. Remove piles of leaves, debris, and fallen branches from your yard. Look to eliminate any clutter or items you don’t need, such as old automobiles, trashcans, tires, and dumpsters. If you store wood, keep it elevated from the ground and at least 20 feet from your home.

Eliminate Moisture

Pests need water to survive, and the smallest amount of standing water will attract pests like termites and mosquitoes. Keeping your home as dry as possible is key to avoiding their infestation. Check around your home for any water leaks and look for loose fixtures or dripping faucets too. If you have a crawlspace, consider utilizing a dehumidifier to decrease excess moisture. Make sure you clear any debris and leaves from your gutters, especially after a hurricane or thunderstorm.

Consider the Pros

Sometimes, a pest infestation needs more attention than DIY pest control methods can provide. If you’re still seeing an influx of pests or would like to get ahead of pest prevention, consider reaching out to a local pest control company for some help. These professionals will identify the pest at hand, provide proper treatment, and recommend the best prevention techniques you can use at home to avoid a future pest infestation.

Are There Venomous Spiders in Copeland?

Are There Venomous Spiders in Copeland?

Did you know that most spiders are venomous? It’s true! Luckily (if you can look at it that way), only a few types of spiders have venom powerful enough to harm humans. These include the widows and the recluses. Check out our list of venomous spiders in Florida and their characteristics to easily identify them.

Common Venomous Spiders in Florida

  • Black Widow: The black widow spider female has a shiny black body and a red hourglass-shaped figure on her abdomen. These are the easiest of the venomous spiders to identify.
  • Red Widow: These spiders have the same shape as the black widow but have a red-orange head and thorax. They are often found in palmettos and sand-pine scrub.
  • Brown Widow: These widows have an hourglass figure on their abdomen. They have striped patterns of varying shades of brown across their legs and their bodies and are more likely to build webs on man-made structures.
  • Brown Recluse: These spiders do not have an active population in Florida, but they can travel to the state through hitchhiking onto our items, especially while in the process of moving. This spider is considered the most venomous spider outside the widow family. You can easily identify them by their violin-shaped marking on their back, small size, and pale brown colorations.

Spiders will bite as a defensive mechanism and these bites usually arise when we place our hands or feet in areas where we don’t see these spiders. A bite from any of these venomous spiders can lead to swelling, severe pain, nausea, sweating, and intense muscle cramps. If you think you’ve been bitten by a venomous spider, seek medical attention immediately.

How to Avoid Venomous Spiders

Spiders will hide out where they know high populations of pests reside. This means they can find a safe space inside your home. Here are some easy tips to follow to ensure they don’t take up residence in your home:

  • Declutter the inside of your home, including attic or other storage areas
  • Trim trees away from home to lessen access points
  • Assess moisture problems to prevent insect breeding grounds
  • Call your local Copeland spider removal company for a free property inspection!
Why Are Spiders Invading my South Florida Home?

Why Are Spiders Invading my South Florida Home?

Florida homeowners know that the climate rarely changes in their state, typically staying well above 50 degrees year-round. With the warmer climate, pests tend to stick around year-long, sometimes invading our homes in the process! Spiders are a likely pest that homeowners might come across throughout the year. Check out the reason Florida spiders might be invading your home and how you can prevent them.

How Did Spiders Get into My Home?

Spiders thrive in Florida’s humid climate, which provides plenty of opportunities for several spider species to invade our homes! Spiders, such as wolf spiders, brown widows, and black widows are all common to our area. These pests are small and will sneak into the home through the smallest hole, gap, or through packages without being noticed. Spiders prefer to be secluded and hidden away from human activity, and they’ll often find dark areas in the home to habitat such as behind furniture, in basements, under dressers, and in attics.

How to Prevent Florida Spiders from Your Home

Taking precautions is the best way to ensure spiders don’t enter your home. Consider the following prevention tips to keep spiders away:

  • Inspect your foundation for cracks and repair them as soon as possible
  • Check your windows and doors throughout the year and repair any cracks or tears in screens
  • Declutter throughout your home by throwing away cardboard boxes, old newspapers, and keeping clothes off the ground.
  • Vacuum and dust frequently, especially in the rooms that are not often utilized
  • Check items that are prone to be infested with spiders, including firewood, plants, boxes, decorations, and even pets
  • Consider investing in a routine pest control plan to eliminate other pests and in return limits food sources for spiders, leaving them to search other places for a meal.

If you notice more spiders than you’re comfortable with on your property, reach out to your local pest control company for a free inspection!

Fall Pests To Look Out For

Fall Pests To Look Out For

As the leaves change color and the temperature begins to drop, many people in Georgia eagerly await the arrival of fall. However, along with the beauty of this season comes a new set of challenges for homeowners – the invasion of fall pests. These household pests are often seeking shelter and warmth as they prepare to overwinter, making your cozy home an inviting destination. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common fall pests in Georgia and provide valuable tips on how to prevent their intrusion.

  1. Stink Bugs: Description: Stink bugs are notorious for their pungent odor when threatened. They are shield-shaped and usually brown or green. Prevention: Seal cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior, repair damaged screens, and use weatherstripping. If an infestation occurs, consult a professional pest control service.
  2. Ladybugs (Asian Lady Beetles): Description: These insects look similar to ladybugs and can vary in color from red to orange. They often cluster in large numbers. Prevention: Seal entry points like gaps around windows and doors, and use screens. If you find an infestation, consider vacuuming them up and releasing them outside.
  3. Rodents (Mice and Rats): Description: Rodents are notorious for seeking shelter in homes during fall and can cause damage to property and spread diseases. Prevention: Seal holes and cracks, store food securely, and keep your home clean. If you spot signs of rodents, contact a rodent control professional immediately.
  4. Cockroaches: Description: Cockroaches thrive in warmer climates and often seek shelter indoors when the temperature drops. Prevention: Maintain a clean home, fix leaks, and seal entry points. Cockroach baits and traps can be used, but professional pest control is often necessary for a severe infestation.
  5. Spiders: Description: While many spiders are harmless, some can be venomous. Fall is when they seek refuge indoors. Prevention: Keep your home clutter-free, remove webs, and seal gaps in doors and windows. Regularly clean and vacuum to deter spiders.
  6. Ants: Description: Ants are persistent pests that may enter your home in search of food. Prevention: Keep food sealed, clean up spills promptly, and seal entry points. Use ant baits and traps, and consult professionals for extensive infestations.

While fall brings cooler weather and beautiful landscapes to Georgia, it also heralds the arrival of these common fall pests. Preventing these pests from entering your home is crucial to maintaining a pest-free environment. Don’t let these overwintering pests ruin your autumn. Contact your local pest control company today for a free pest control quote to help protect your home and family.

What Tennessee Homeowners Should Know About Smokybrown Cockroaches

What Tennessee Homeowners Should Know About Smokybrown Cockroaches

Smokybrown cockroaches are commonly found in the southeastern United States, from central Texas eastward to Florida and as far north as North Carolina. They prefer living in areas that are warm and have high humidity, preferring wooded areas where they are often found under mulch or in tree holes.

The smokybrown cockroach is about 1.5 inches long and has a dark brown to black body. They have a distinctive mahogany color, which is why they are sometimes called mahogany cockroaches. They are also known for their ability to fly, which makes them more difficult to control than other types of cockroaches.

What are the signs of a smokybrown cockroach infestation?

Typically found outdoors, these nocturnal creatures are most sighted in:

  • Ground coverings, such as ivy
  • Landscaping beds
  • In and around gutters and in between siding on home and structures

More signs of these roaches include roach droppings and egg cases. The smokybrown egg casing can appear dark brown to black in coloring.

How serious of a problem is the smokybrown roach?

Being attracted to interior lights, they can enter your home through openings in windows, doors, and other gaps. They can contaminate any surfaces they touch, spreading bacteria. Proteins found in these types of roaches may also trigger asthma or allergic reactions.

If you see an increase of roaches in your home be sure to reach out to your local pest control company for a customized pest control plan to keep your home pest-free!

Invasive Florida Pests to Lookout For

Invasive Florida Pests to Lookout For

One thing about Florida: pests love to live here! Warm, humid climates make our state the perfect oasis for both humans and pests. While it’s inevitable to come across them, there are ways to prevent them from invading your home. Read more on the types of Florida pests to be aware of and how you can prevent them from ruining your fun in the sun!


Small, pesky, and will sneak into your home unnoticed, ants can become a major problem if they find their way inside. There are several types of ants popular to our area, including fire ants, carpenter ants, Argentine ants, and more. These ants may have different characteristics, but they all are looking for a water and food source to survive. You will often find these pests in your bathroom, kitchen, basement, or even utility room. While ants can be harmless, they are known to bite which can lead to allergic reactions such as itching or swelling.

Prevent Ants:

  • Seal any cracks or crevices around windows, doors, foundations, or exterior walls.
  • Keep your plants and shrubbery trimmed and away from your home.
  • Ensure your kitchen is free of crumbs and spills by cleaning up after each meal.


Seeing a cockroach in your home is always alarming! Roaches, including the American roach, German roach, and brown-banded roach prefer to live in places such as sewers, trashcans, basements, and bathrooms, to seek food, shelter, and water for survival. Once these pests invade, it can be hard to remove them as they can multiple quickly. Roaches also carry bacteria on their bodies and feet and will spread unwanted germs when they walk across surfaces. They’re also known to trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

Prevent Cockroaches:

  • After each meal, mop up any spills, clean up any leftover crumbs, and throw away your trash in a trashcan with a tightly sealed lid.
  • Keep rooms in your home decluttered and maintain a regular dusting schedule.
  • When eliminate moisture by regularly checking for leaks or standing water around your home, fixing them if needed.


Ticks can not only harm humans but can also be harmful to our pets. These pests are extremely small and will latch and feed onto the blood of animals and humans. They can often be found in wooded or grassy areas, transmitting diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain fever. If you’ve been outside for a long period of time, you can often find them on your face, legs, armpits, belly, and in-between toes!

Prevent Ticks:

  • Mow your lawn often to keep your grass short
  • Remove brush and debris from your lawn
  • Keep your yard dry and sunny, as ticks prefer moist and shaded areas


Dealing with a termite infestation at your home can be devasting, as they can cost thousands of dollars in repairs. There are two common termites in Florida: drywood termites and subterranean termites. Drywood termites prefer to live and nest in wooden structures or dry wood and do not need a water source. Signs of drywood termites include spotting their frass, which appear like sawdust, and located in piles near the infestation area. Subterranean termites need a water source and build their nest underground to obtain it. Signs that indicate a subterranean termite infestation include seeing their mud tubes along a home’s foundation or floor.

Prevent Termites:

  • Eliminate moisture problems from your property to avoid a subterranean termite infestation by fixing leaky pipes and ensuring your home has proper drainage around its foundation.
  • Be cautious of soil-to-structure contact to avoid subterranean termites from entering your home.
  • Keep any firewood stored at least 20 feet from your property and elevated off the ground to avoid drywood termites.
  • Regularly inspect your deck or patio for signs of drywood termite damage.

If you notice an influx of the pests listed above, consider reaching out to your local pest control company for help! These professionals will also provide you with free inspection and a treatment and prevention plan customized for your home.

Keeping Rodents Away from My South Florida Homes

Keeping Rodents Away from My South Florida Homes

Rodents, like mice and rats, are searching for a place to call home and often look towards our Florida home for it. Once inside our homes, these critters can cause severe damage and be a health risk to our homes and families. Destroyed insulation, left behind droppings, and chewed electrical wires, are signs of rodent infestations. We list popular south Florida rodents to look at for and a few ways you can avoid these creatures from invading your home. Check them out below!

South Florida Rodents

  • House Mouse: These creatures will eat any food to survive but tend to feed on cereal grains. If this rodent finds a food source, it will typically stay in that area for more, usually establishing a territory of 30 to 50 feet from it. These creatures are also known to create electrical fires by gnawing on wires.
  • Roof Rat: These rodents are excellent climbers, preferring to stay in higher places like our attics. Roof rats eat fruits, vegetables, and cereal products. If they have found a food source, they typically return to the same place for more.
  • Norway Rats: These rats are known to create their nests underneath buildings, crawlspaces, and basements. Norway rats do need water to survive, often looking for standing water and will look for standing water in our yards and homes, often bringing with them fleas and mites!

Rodent Prevention Tips

  • Place a Lid on Your Trash: Consider utilizing metal trashcans with a tightly fitting lid. If you must use a plastic trashcan, check it has no holes in it.
  • Store Your Pet Food: Look to store pet and bird food in glass or metal containers with tight lids. Remember to bring your pet food inside at night and store it until the morning. If you have fruit trees, make sure to pick them up if they’ve fallen on the ground.
  • Store Items Properly: Rodents will eat lawn seed, tulip bulbs, bone meal, and other items used in gardening, so it’s important to store them in containers with lids. Likewise, store your firewood at least 20 feet away from your home. In your garage, place storage boxes off the ground to help eliminate nesting places.
  • Tidy the Kitchen: Rodents are attracted to any leftover food, making it crucial to clean up any food crumbs or spills after each meal. Additionally, keep your pantry food stored in tightly sealed containers.
  • Keep a Well-Maintained Yard: Inspect the inside and outside of your home for any gaps or openings, sealing them as soon as possible. Always ensure that your gutters are clear of debris and standing water. Keep screens on windows and doors, making sure they are in good repair and replaced when needed.
  • Consider Professional Help: Once rodents infest, they can multiply, making it difficult to remove them! If you suspect that you have a rodent problem, it could be best to reach out to your local wildlife removal company for help. These professionals will evaluate your home, provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan, and safely remove these critters from your home.
What Type of Centipede Is This?

What Type of Centipede Is This?

Centipedes are arthropods that will often make their way into your home. Although centipede means “100 legs,” not every centipede actually has that many. Most centipedes prefer dark, damp spaces and are commonly found outdoors under rocks, logs, or piles of leaves. Other species can be found in your home. Here are 5 of the most common type of centipedes you may come across in our area.

Types of Centipedes

House Centipede

House centipedes are found throughout North America and even in Hawaii. They can grow to be 1-1/2″ long and have 15 pairs of legs. Their bodies are yellowish-gray in color with 3 stripes on their backs. They have long antennae. House centipedes are usually found in dark areas of your home, like the basement. They are usually harmless, but will bite you if they are handled. They are quite beneficial to have around as they will eat roaches, moths, termites, and other household pests.

Eastern Red Centipede

The Eastern Red centipede is found across the East Coast. These centipedes grow to about 2-1/2″ long. Their bodies are red or orange in color with lighter orange legs. They like moisture and will burrow under wet leaves, logs, compost piles, and woodpiles. They are venomous with a very painful bite.

Eastern Bark Centipede

The Eastern Bark centipede can be found in the Eastern United States and Canada westward to the Rocky Mountains. They can grow up to 3″ long. These centipedes vary in color, ranging from solid orange-brown to dark brown. Some species also have an olive colored stripe on their back. Their heads are brownish-red and their antennae and legs are yellow. These centipedes are nocturnal and live under rocks and logs. They are venomous and will bite.

Diamondback Soil Centipede

The diamondback soil centipede will grow up to 2″ in length. They have light brown bodies with dark brown diamonds on their backs. They are found throughout North America, typically in gardens rather than inside the home. They live under debris and will burrow into the soil. They don’t have eyes and don’t bite. They secrete a poisonous substance from the underside of their bodies in an attempt to ward off predators but they are not considered a threat to humans.

Brown Centipede

Brown centipedes originated in Europe (where they are quite common) but can now be found on the Eastern seaboard of the United States. They grow to about 1″ in length. They have brown bodies, long antennae, and long tails. They hunt at night and can often be found in dark areas of the home, such as the basement. They do have venomous fangs but they are so small that they do not pose any threat to humans. In fact, they are beneficial to have around because they eat other household pests.

Preventing Centipedes

  1. Reduce moisture. Centipedes prefer moist, high humidity environments. Repair any leaks you may have in and around your home. Use dehumidifiers in areas with humidity (e.g. basements and crawlspaces). Run exhaust fans in bathrooms and attics to also help reduce moisture.
  2. Declutter. Clutter provides shelter and protection for centipedes. Reduce clutter around your home, especially in areas where centipedes are commonly found (basements, crawlspaces, attics). Move any leaf piles, grass clippings, and firewood away from your home.
  3. Get rid of food sources. Centipedes will eat other pests that come into or around your home. Practice routine pest control to help keep other pest populations at bay to keep centipedes away, as well.
  4. Seal them out.  Seal any cracks, gaps, and holes on the outside of your home to eliminate ways for them to get in. Repair tears in screens and install weatherstripping to doors and windows.
  5. Call the pros. Establishing routine pest control services with a local pest control company can help to not only keep centipedes from invading your home, but other household pests, as well. The technicians can also give your home a thorough inspection, helping to identify any pest problems before they get out of hand.
Does Fall Weather Impact Pest Activity?

Does Fall Weather Impact Pest Activity?

Fall weather has a significant impact on pest activity. As the days get shorter and the temperatures start to drop, many fall pests will begin to seek out warm, sheltered places to overwinter. This can lead to an increase in pests in your home and yard.

Some of the most common fall pests active in the fall include:

  • Spiders: Spiders are looking for a warm, dry place to overwinter, and your home can provide the perfect spot. They will often build webs in corners, basements, and attics.
  • Boxelder Bugs: Boxelder bugs are attracted to the sweet sap of boxelder trees. As the weather cools, they will start to look for a place to stay warm and your home may be the target.
  • Ladybugs: Ladybugs are beneficial insects, but they can become a nuisance in the fall. As they start to look for a place to overwinter, they may congregate in large numbers in your home.
  • Cockroaches: Roaches are active year-round, but they are more likely to be seen in the fall as they seek out warm, moist places to overwinter.
  • Rodents: Rats and mice are also active in the fall, as they are looking for food and shelter. They may find their way into your home through cracks and holes in your foundation.

Prevent fall pests from invading your home this fall by following these tips:

  • Seal up any cracks or holes in your foundation or siding.
  • Inspect your home for signs of pests, such as droppings, webs, or nests.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Clean up any debris or leaves around your home.
  • Give your local pest control company a call for a free inspection and customized treatment plan!

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