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Mosquitoes are one of the top nuisance pests during the summertime. These pests are notorious for biting and leaving us with itchy red bumps on our skin. But why do mosquitoes bite us? And how can we prevent them from ruining our summer fun outside?
Female mosquitoes are looking for protein to survive. This protein is found in blood, which helps mosquitoes feed their developing eggs. There are several ways that these pests search for a host, including body odor, body temperature, and even the carbon dioxide that we exhale. Humans can also be a major part of attracting these pests to them without even knowing they are doing so. Factors such as wearing perfume, wearing clothes exposing skin, and even wearing dark-colored clothes can attract mosquitoes and bring a risk of mosquito bites.
Knowing the steps, you can take to reduce the chance of getting bitten by mosquitoes is the first step in protecting yourself and your family.
If you’ve noticed an increase in mosquito activity around your property, consider contacting your local mosquito control company. They’ll provide you with a thorough inspection and treatment options, fit for your property!
Humid, hot environments can be a major indication that mosquitoes are out and looking for a blood meal. Mosquito bites can be painful, creating an itchy, red welt on the skin. Depending on the person, mosquito bites could cause an allergic reaction too. While it’s inevitable to run into mosquitoes during these months, there are still ways to eliminate the chance of getting bitten.
When the weather is warm, humid, but perfect for being outside, it’s less likely that covering up is first thing you’ll think of doing. But, covering up is the most effective and easiest way to prevent mosquitoes from biting you. If you know you’ll be outside for some time, consider wearing long sleeves and pants as much as possible to cover your exposed skin. When preparing to spend time outdoors, consider wearing light-colored clothes. It’s known that mosquitoes are more attracted to darker colors, so wearing lightly colored clothing can help reduce the chance of being bitten.
If wearing long shirts and pants isn’t an option, another alternative is using insect repellant. Insect repellants are great to use when the weather is particularly hot and humid. It’s suggested that the best type of repellent to use is those that contain DEET. DEET has proven to be highly effective at repelling mosquitoes and other biting insects. It can help protect from mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika Virus, West Nile, and Encephalitis.
Whatever activities or plans you have while outside if the weather is hot, your body temperature will elevate. Staying cool and avoiding high body temperatures is impossible in the humid heat but it’s still important to try and keep cool as much as you can, since mosquitoes are highly attracted to elevated body temperatures. If you’ll be outside for a while in the heat, consider using portable fans, cold rags on your neck or forehead, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Or consider planning your day around peak mosquito time which is in the late afternoon and evening.
It’s inevitable to run into mosquitoes in the spring and summertime and sometimes prevention isn’t enough. If you’ve gotten bitten one too many times, consider calling your local pest control company where they can provide you with an inspection and offer an effective mosquito treatment plan.
Spending time outdoors is a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether it’s spending time by the pool, having a picnic, or just lounging in the yard, relaxing outside is a great activity for the whole family. But the last thing you want to have to deal with while spending time in your yard are mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can be a danger to your family and even pets as they survive by sucking blood from animals and humans. They are usually found in areas of high humidity looking for stagnant, standing water to breed. Luckily, there are ways you can prep your yard to prevent mosquitoes.
Remove Unnecessary Items
Since mosquitoes breed in standing water, it is essential to eliminate any items that could hold water. Items such as foundations, toy buckets, outdoor pet bowls, flowerpot sauces, tarps, pool covers, and more should not stay in your yard for a long period of time. It’s also important to remove excess grass, leaves, firewood, and yard clippings as mosquitoes tend to stay in grass and debris around your home.
Clean Your Gutters
Clogged gutters can not only create standing water but will also catch debris and leaves. This provides mosquitoes a perfect breeding location. Make sure that your gutters are clean and clear, especially after a thunderstorm. Consider installing gutter guards to help prevent clogs and clutter.
Fill Hollow Areas
Any low-lying areas like ditches can also collect standing water after rain or watering plants. Make sure to check around your yard that you don’t have these; if you do notice them you can simply fill them in with dirt. Additionally, check for any hollow logs and stumps throughout your yard. They not only can hold standing water but will also provide overwintering mosquitoes a place to hibernate during cold weather.
Maintain the Pool
If you have a well-maintained pool, mosquitoes will most likely avoid it. However, if a pool goes unused for a long period of time, these pests will be attracted to the stagnant water. Make sure to keep the pool maintained or covered if you’re planning to not use it for a while.
By utilizing these tips, you can start to enjoy your yard and worry less about mosquito bites! If you are still having an infestation of mosquitoes, it’s best to contact your local pest company to provide you with the best plan of action to eliminate mosquitoes. Request a Free Estimate now to get started.
As the weather continues to pull you and your family towards more outdoor activities, the chances of getting bug bites increases. Here are some tips to prevent these bites and stings, and get back to enjoying your summer:
Treating bug bites and stings can put a damper on any outdoor activity. If you have issues with biting/stinging pests, call (866) 616-0862 or request a free pest inspection from your local pest control company.
As we approach the warmer and more humid months, the chance of encountering pests increases. While some are more occasional invaders, there are some that will make it a point to stick around.
With the weather changing and a large amount of rain in the forecast, your home provides cockroaches with shelter and an ever-flowing food source. The larger roaches you may encounter are more than likely American cockroaches; an infestation that is normally easy to stop with a quarterly pest service. However, if you notice smaller roaches in the kitchen and/or bathroom of your home, you may be dealing with German cockroaches. They are a much harder infestation to control and will usually require a monthly treatment by your exterminator.
There is a consensus in the South that mosquitoes are despised, and we would all like them gone. Unfortunately, they seem to be here to stay, as they thrive in this area due to the humid climate. Also, because of where we are located, our mosquito season starts before other regions in the U.S. They are more of a hazard than just a casual annoyance; mosquito bites have the potential to spread diseases like Malaria, Dengue, and Zika. At Northwest, our Mosquito Reduction Service reduces adult mosquitoes and limits mosquito breeding around your home, reducing your risk of mosquito bites and mosquito diseases.
In the pest world, we refer to the warmer months as “swarm season.” This is when pests that have been overwintering emerge and begin to swarm. Termites only swarm once a year and, here in the South, the type you will see swarming are Subterranean termites. The ones you see flying around your home are not the ones that will cause destruction; however, it’s a sign that a termite colony is nearby. A termite inspection by a professional exterminator will not only look for signs of termite damage around your home but will also provide you with a personalized plan for treatment, if damage is found, and prevention moving forward.