Stinging pests are at most active during spring and summer months. With the sun out and spending more time outside, the chance of encountering a stinging pest that could potentially harm you and your family increases. Here are some common stinging pests to be on the lookout for:


Hornets build nests in hollow trees and in the walls of houses and attics. They are also attracted to light and will fly into windows at night if they see light. They are actually a benefit since they help to control the population of other pests, but they are understandably not a benefit when they make their nest in your home. It is recommended to call a pest control professional if you notice a hornet’s nest near or inside your house, so it can be safely removed.


Yellowjackets are social insects and, unlike bees, have a smooth stinger. This stinger allows them to sting multiple times if threatened, and it’s painful. They are attracted to sweet foods and protein. When having picnics and BBQs, keep food covered tightly to not entice their presence.


Wasps construct paper-like nests that can be found on branches, porch ceilings, eaves, and attic rafters. They can also sting multiple times and will call on reinforcements by emitting pheromones when they feel threatened. If you find yourself with a wasp flying around you, do not swat it away, as this may agitate it. Instead, calmly walk away and it should not follow.

How to Avoid Stinging Pests:

  • When attending any functions outside, avoid using an excess of perfume.
  • Seal any openings from the outside of your home.
  • Floral and brightly colored clothing tend to attract; stick to dark colors and close-toed shoes.

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