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Beginning in mid-September, Northwest teammates from every service center collected candy for the Good Deed Halloween Candy Drive!
This year’s goal behind the candy drive was to collect enough candy to distribute to local Title I schools in our team’s respective communities. The Good Deed Team is always looking for opportunities to strengthen their relationship and be involved with schools in the community.
Though the Northwest team collects candy every year, this year’s Candy Drive became a much bigger initiative than expected. In addition to donating candy, some of our teams participated in Trunk or Treats at local schools. Some teammates even took on hosting their own local trunk or treat!
Despite the weather being less than desirable, our teammates continued to move forward to create memorable experiences for the children in the communities that we serve. We are inspired by our teammates’ creativity and make a difference attitude that they bring to every initiative and how much fun they had bringing everything together. We’re excited about what ideas will come up next year!