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The Northwest Newnan Family has always worked to support many local community organizations. One organization the team works with closely and normally volunteers with is the Coweta Pregnancy Center.
The Coweta Pregnancy Service (CPC) provides services to women and families that are in need. They provide pregnancy test, ultrasounds, and counseling for new moms. They are funded through a local church and donationsand are supported primarily by local community volunteers.
The Newnan team came together during the month of August to donate kids clothing to the CPC before the start of the new school year. They were able to collect 4 bags of clothes in total, for boys and girls, ranging from infant to pre-teen size!
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the team is not able to volunteer their time with the organization as much as they would like to, but they still wanted to find a way to support the organization and the people they help every day. The Coweta Pregnancy Center was grateful for the donation, and our team was grateful to be able to find a small way to still serve our Coweta County community.
Thank you, Newnan Team, for your servant’s heart and honoring your community every chance you get!