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The summer months in the south bring bugs, humidity, and unbearable heat. When inside, you might feel inclined to touch the thermostat to create a cooler environment, but maybe it doesn’t seem to budge. If this is your case, it might be time for new or better insulation in your attic.
When the hot summer sun is beating down on your home, your attic is the first thing to see higher temperatures. The heat will absorb into the hard materials that make up your home and are likely to transfer downstairs into your living area, creating an uncomfortable living environment. An easy solution is to get the insulation checked in your attic.
Attic insulation creates air pockets that slow the heat from attempting to flow through your home. This will help uneven temperatures between the rooms in your house. Installing insulation can additionally help your HVAC system run more efficiently. This will keep you from wanting to turn down the thermostat and result in lower energy bills.
There are many benefits to getting your attic insulated, including:
If you believe you need to replace your attic’s insulation, consider reaching out to your local pest control company for a quote to experience a cooler and pest-free home for the summer.