Helpful Tips to Keep Wildlife our of Your Home

Tips to Keep Wildlife out of Your Home

In our last blog we discussed the potential health threats and property damage that animals can cause when they enter your home.  We’re not talking about dogs and cats here, we’re talking about the animals that belong in the wild: bats, raccoons, squirrels , mice, opossums, and other wildlife.  With the cold temperatures we are starting to experience, it’s a prime time for wild animals to seek warmth and shelter in homes.

Here are some helpful tips on how to keep wildlife out of your home:

  • Take out the trash regularly and ensure that the container is tightly sealed.
  • Cut back tree limbs from your house.  Animals can use these to gain entry to your home.
  • Properly seal any vents or openings around the home that animals could use as entry points.
  • Remove standing water from your yard.  This includes bird baths, pooled water areas, and pet water bowls.
  • Never leave pet food and water bowls outside.  These can attract wildlife.
  • Remove debris from your lawn.
  • Install chimney caps so wildlife can’t enter your chimney.

If you hear wildlife in your home, it is best to call a professional animal removal company.  Some animals can get aggressive when they feel they are being threatened.  Northwest’s wildlife control specialist can help to remove the animal, seal off entry points, and help you to ensure that other wildlife do not return.

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