Keeping Mosquitoes Away!

Northwest Exterminating representative, Courtesy of AJC

Northwest Exterminating representative, Courtesy of AJC

Need tips on how to keep mosquitoes away?

  • Remove standing water from your yard.  These areas serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Keep screens on windows and doors to keep them out of your home.
  • Use an insect repellant.  DEET is highly recommended.  Be sure to read the label and reapply as necessary.
  • Cover up.  We know it’s hot but items like hats, long sleeve shirts, long pants, and shoes that cover your feet will help keep the mosquitoes from biting.
  • Wear light colors.  Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors so keep it light and bright to keep them away.
  • Stay still.  Movement produces a change in waves of light and acts as a signal to mosquitoes.  Carbon dioxide is also an attractant, so the more you move, the harder you breathe and the more you attract mosquitoes.
  • Plants.  Certain strong smelling plants help keep mosquitoes away.  Citronella, marigolds, and lemongrass are some of the plants you can use outdoors, while rosemary and basil are said to be helpful inside.
  • Home remedies.  There is no shortage of DIY remedies online.  Some of these can be useful for short term effectiveness.
  • Professional pest management.  A trained pest control technician can inspect your property to identify what is attracting the mosquito infestation.  The technician can then treat your property in an earth friendly and effective manner.  They can also provide you with a plan to keep mosquitoes away.

These are just a few tips on keeping mosquitoes away.  Mosquitoes are known carriers of diseases like West Nile virus, encephalitis, and heartworms in dogs.  Make sure that you are protecting yourself and your loved ones.  For more information, visit our blog or call Northwest Exterminating at 888.466.7849.

Why Do Mosquitoes Love Me So Much?


Is DEET losing its effectiveness?

DEETFor years, DEET has been the “go-to” insect repellant recommended by everyone from Doctors to pest control companies. But recently, reports have come out that although they deter insects at first, they learn to ignore it and will go on to bite anyways.  Specifically, mosquitoes, are thought to be getting more and more resistant to the substance.

It just goes to show how adaptive insects and animals really are.  That is why Northwest Exterminating, and other pest control companies, need to constantly be on the cutting edge of technology.

You can read the full article by clicking here.

Live Christmas Trees and Insects

For many families, a live Christmas tree is part of the Christmas tradition in their household.  Whether you are chopping down a Christmas tree yourself at a Christmas tree farm or buying one that has already been cut, Christmas trees can bring much more than holiday spirit and that infamous Christmas smell to your home.

Christmas trees can often serve as homes to insects and birds. Although this can be unnerving to think about, with careful inspection you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.  The insects that make themselves at home in trees often can not survive in the warmth of your home.  In this case, it is best to wait for the insects to die and vacuum them up.

Other insects that are overwintering in your tree may confuse the warmth of your home for spring time and begin to hatch or come out of hibernation. This is why it is so important to thoroughly inspect your tree when picking it out.  Take a look at each branch for signs of insects.  If you see insects, simply remove them.  If you see a large amount of insects, it is probably best to choose another tree.  Make sure to vigorously shake your tree before bringing it into your home.  This will dislodge any insects that may be in your tree.

Most importantly, do not spray your tree with an insect repellant.  These products are highly flammable and could be dangerous with the lights and decoration you put on your tree.

If you are concerned about insects brought into your home by your Christmas tree, call the experts at Northwest Exterminating.

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