Paper wasps can be a nuisance during the summer. While they do not set out to sting intentionally, they will if they feel threatened. Their narrow bodies are most commonly dark brown in color, with black wings and yellow markings. Some even appear similar to yellow jackets in coloration. Here are some facts on paper wasps!

  • Unlike bees, wasps can sting repeatedly. Only females have stingers, which are actually modified egg-laying organs.
  • Paper wasp nests are made from plant material combined with saliva and appear to be made from paper. They chew up strips of plant material and spit it out again to form a rough paper. Some wasps make nests in basements, sheds or dark, cool places.
  • A queen starts a new colony each spring. She raises a few worker wasps first to make the nest larger and bring food. Then she starts laying eggs. A colony can grow to 50,000 wasps in one summer.
  • All the wasps die except for a few new queens during the start of winter. The new queens spend the winter in an old log or burrow. Once spring comes around, they start to make new colonies.

Removing a paper wasp nest can be a dangerous task. It is advised to proceed with caution if you encounter a nest and contact a pest control company to assist with the removal of the nest.

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