Did you know that an initial pest control inspection and treatment is just the beginning of your journey to a pest-free home? What comes next depends on the communication and joint efforts between your exterminator and you. This partnership is essential in your journey to staying worry-free and keeping your home free of any unwanted pests.

One of the actions your pest control professional will take is to make a list of environment modifications that will work in tandem with treatments performed in and around your home. Here’s a few examples of the steps they may outline to take your pest control further:

  1. Keep vegetation away from your home. Cut back limbs and branches to ensure pests do not utilize them to enter your home.
  2. Place indoor trash cans as far away from doors and windows as possible and be sure to remove trash from the home daily.
  3. Invest in door sweeps, window screens, and weather-stripping. This will help to eliminate entry points for pests.
  4. Put dirty dishes away in dishwashers immediately to avoid a build-up of dishes in the sink.
  5. Store items such as oats, sugar, flour, etc., in airtight containers to keep pantry pests away.
  6. Seal any cracks and crevices found around your home, focusing especially in bathrooms and kitchens where standing water can attract pests.

These simple tasks may seem insignificant but, in reality, they could be the difference between being pest-free and having an infestation. Should you have any lingering concerns, reach out to your local pest company, and they can work with you to adjust your Integrated Pest Management plan.

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