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In Florida’s economy, tourism is one of the largest contributions. With major tourist attractions such as beaches and theme parks bringing in thousands of people to your business, having a bed bug infestation at your resort can be devasting for your reputation. These unwanted hitchhikers can easily sneak in through luggage, clothes, and purses. Learn more about how your hotel can avoid these pests and uphold your reputation.
It’s likely that housekeeping will be the first to encounter signs of bed bugs or the pests themselves. Ensure your housekeeping staff is educated on the signs of bed bugs, including finding their eggs, black stains on bed linens, strange smells, or droppings.
Consider adding frequent staff routine inspections at your hotel. Have your staff look at furniture, bedding, and walls for any underlying infestation. Bed bugs will breed in the cracks and crevices of walls and headboards, hide in curtains, and sneak into the seams of couches or chairs. Finding these pests as early as possible will help lessen the infestation.
Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to control, making it extremely important to have a plan ready to eliminate them. A professional exterminator that specializes in bed bug control is necessary to assess the situation at your resort and provide you with the best plan of action, treatment, and prevention plan to avoid future bed bug infestations.
Pest Control Services for Businesses