Jul 4, 2012 | Community/Events, Pest Control
Happy 4th of July!! We’d like to take a second to say how proud we are to be Americans!! We’re proud to live in the country of the land of the free and the home of the brave!! And like always, we’d like to thank all of the brave men and women and their families that have given so much for this great country!!

But before you go enjoy those fireworks…here are some tips to stay bug free this 4th of July:
- Avoid standing water in areas like flower pots, bird baths, buckets, barrels, etc. Areas like these are breeding spots for mosquitoes that can carry diseases like West Nile and encephalitis.
- Wear an insect repellant, such as DEET, to protect against mosquitoes and other bugs.
- Keep food covered when possible to avoid attracting mosquitoes, flies, and ants.
- Tightly seal garbage and put it in a sealed garbage container on the outside of your home. Make sure that the lid to the trash can is on securely to avoid rodents from getting in and going through the trash.
- Keep your lawn mowed and clear of debris.
- Protect your pets from fleas and ticks by using a preventative. These can be purchased over the counter or by your veterinarian.
- Have your exterminator treat your yard and home for insects and other rodents that could BUG you this summer! (Get it, BUG you!)
What other tips do have for staying bug free this 4th of July?