Do Roaches Die Off In Winter?

Do Roaches Die Off In Winter?

Roaches are resilient pests that have survived millions of years on Earth. Cockroaches are naturally tropical pests, preferring warm, humid habitats to thrive in. In fact, most species of roaches will die off at temperatures below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Roaches have learned to adapt and are expert overwintering pests, making their way indoors to avoid exposure to cold temperatures and survive the winter.

There are four species of cockroaches in the United States that can survive year-round with the appropriate overwintering environment.

  1. American Cockroach: The American cockroach usually lives outdoors but will come inside during the winter months. These roaches like water and are often found hiding out in bathrooms and laundry rooms. If they overwinter outside they can be found in decaying trees and woodpiles.
  2. German Cockroach: The German cockroach is found throughout the United States. They commonly invade homes and can be difficult to eliminate once an infestation is established. They reproduce quickly, exploding their populations in your house. German roaches can survive winter as long as they find a humid environment and a food source (such as in your kitchen or under your appliances).
  3. Oriental Cockroach: The Oriental cockroach is an indoor species but they will venture outside in search of food. These roaches must have water to survive and can often be found in basements, crawlspaces, and floor drains. If they overwinter outdoors they will hide out in rock walls or other areas that offer shelter and warmth. Oriental roaches only reproduce in the winter so their survival through the colder months is critical. They can tolerate lower temperatures than most other species.
  4. Brown-Banded Cockroach: The brown-banded cockroach is found throughout the United States but is not as common as their German counterparts. These roaches are attracted to heat and can be found in near appliances, heaters, or anything else with an electric motor. They are often found in kitchens and prefer to hide out in high cabinets.

To answer the question above, roaches don’t necessarily die off in the winter. As long as they can find a warm place to shelter with a food source they can survive and reproduce year-round. The next question to ask yourself is, “How are they getting into my home?” Roaches can squeeze through openings as small as 3/16″ and will use any opening they find in your walls, siding, baseboards, and ceilings to get inside. Roaches are also notorious hitchhikers and will catch a ride indoors on bags, boxes, firewood, furniture, and appliances.

Keep roaches out this winter by:

  1. Emptying your trashcans often and keeping them clean.
  2. Cleaning up crumbs from counters and floors daily, including spilled pet food.
  3. Sweeping daily.
  4. Vacuuming frequently.
  5. Making sure food is not left in sink strainers.
  6. Running the garbage disposal frequently.
  7. Keeping food (including pet food) sealed in airtight containers.
  8. Not leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight.
  9. Keeping appliances clean of food and grease.
  10. Cleaning out clutter in your garage and attic, especially cardboard.
  11. Using plastic storage boxes rather than cardboard when possible.
  12. Sealing entrances around utility pipes.
  13. Ventilating crawlspaces to prevent moisture.
  14. Storing soap out of reach.
  15. Not leaving pet food out in bowls overnight.
  16. Drying all sinks, tubs, and showers before bed each night.
  17. Using a dehumidifier in your home.
  18. Carefully inspecting items before bringing them into your home.

If you have a problem with cockroaches or any other household pest, contact your local pest control company for an evaluation and treatment plan.

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Cockroaches: Types and Prevention Tips

Cockroaches: Types and Prevention Tips

The cockroach might just seem like a creepy, annoying nuisance, but it can cause more damage than expected. Cockroaches transmit over 30 different kinds of bacteria – E. Coli, Salmonella, and more.   In  addition to this, they can also trigger asthma and allergy attacks as their droppings, saliva and shed skin contain allergens that increase asthma symptoms, especially in children.

As one of the most common household pests, it’s important to keep roaches under control to lessen the effects they cause. Here we breakdown the types of cockroaches you could be seeing in your home and how you can prevent them in the future.

Types of Cockroaches

  • American Cockroach: The largest of the house-infesting cockroaches, the American cockroach is found throughout the United States and worldwide. They are reddish-brown with a yellowish figure-eight pattern on the back of their head. They are often found in basements and sewers. These pests are attracted to moist surfaces and can also be found in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.
  • Brown-Banded Cockroach: This species first entered the U.S. in 1903 and is now found nationwide. The brown-banded cockroach got its name from the two light brown bands that appear across its wings. They prefer warmer, drier, and higher locations in a room and can be found mostly in cabinets and behind picture frames. This species will typically hide its egg cases in or underneath furniture.
  • German Cockroach: The German cockroach is the most common species found worldwide and is found across the U.S. They prefer warm and humid spaces but are typically found in spaces where humans eat, such as kitchens. They can be identified by their light brown body with two dark brown stripes on their back.
  • Oriental Cockroach: The Oriental cockroach exhibits a dark reddish-brown to shiny black color and is found in the northern regions of the United States. They are commonly found in sewers and enter homes through drains or door thresholds. This species is considered the dirtiest of all cockroaches due to the strong odor that they create.

Prevention Tips

  • Seal Entrances: With cooler weather approaching, cockroaches are seeking warmer hiding places. Ensuring all openings in doors, windows, and foundations are sealed is the first step to take. Replace old weather-stripping and make sure there are no holes in window screens to help stop these intruders.
  • Focus on the Kitchen: One of the most effective ways to prevent cockroaches is to begin pest-proofing in the kitchen. Clean up any spills or crumbs immediately and take the trash out regularly to prevent roaches from wanting to stay. The pantry can also be included by this – consider storing your food in sealed containers.
  • Limit Moisture: Roaches need water to survive. Dripping faucets and leaky pipes will attract these pests inside your home. Look throughout the house for any loose pipes and seal them as soon as possible. To dry up areas in your basement, employ a dehumidifier to take care of that. If you have a crawlspace, consider enclosing your crawlspace to ensure no moisture is found.
  • Declutter: Cockroaches like to find hiding places during the daytime, but by nightfall they emerge. Decluttering and cleaning out items to limit their hiding spaces may help in preventing them in the long run. Some ways to declutter include old newspapers, utilizing plastic containers over cardboard, and making sure clothing isn’t piled on the floor.

While prevention can help keep cockroaches away, sometimes it’s best to get a professional involved. A  local pest control company will be able to inspect your home and provide you with the best treatment and prevention plan going forward.

Winter Pests to Watch Out For

Winter Pests to Watch Out For

Many pests hibernate or “die off” during the winter, causing homeowners to feel like they can relax during the colder months. Overwintering pests, however, are here to rain on your parade. These pests seek refuge inside our homes looking for food, water, and a warm place to hide until the weather outside is more favorable. Here are 6 winter pests to watch out for along with tips to prevent them.


Ants will come in through the tiniest holes or cracks in the exterior of your home. They also like to sneak in on plants and flowers that are brought indoors. Ants are masters of overwintering, typically seeking out warm places deep in the soil or under rocks to hide out. Food can be scarce, though, and your home provides the perfect location for them to get everything they need to survive the winter – food, water, and warmth. The first step to ant control in your home is to get rid of their food source. Make sure food is well sealed and crumbs are cleaned up from floors and counters.


Beetles like to come indoors to get out of the cold. They are known to hide in the warmest areas of your home, such as near dryers or water heaters. Elm leaf beetles and click beetles are two of the most common overwintering beetles you may encounter. They are often brought inside on firewood. If you spot beetles inside, vacuum them up and immediately discard the bag or canister contents. Eliminate their food sources by keeping your kitchen and bathroom clean. Caulk windows or use weatherstripping around them. Keep wood piles and leaf litter away from your home. Inspect any wood before bringing it inside.


Silverfish prefer damp, cold places and will usually be found hanging out in your basement or bathroom. They are common in the winter months, often hitching a ride as you are hauling your holiday decorations in and out of your attic or garage. They feed on books, glue, wallpaper, and boxes. Keep silverfish under control by vacuuming often and decluttering your home. Get rid of any old newspapers, mail, and cardboard laying around. Inspect any boxes before bringing them inside. Store clothes in sealed bins, preferably made of plastic rather than cardboard.


Ladybugs will come inside through window cracks and openings to shelter from the cold. While they don’t bite, they will secrete a yellow fluid with an unpleasant odor that not only attracts other ladybugs, but can also leave an unsightly stain on your walls, floors, ceilings, and more. Control ladybugs by locating and sealing any entry points you can find. Vacuum them up or spray them with soapy water. The soapy water will not only get rid of the ladybugs, but it will also get rid of the smell, helping prevent other ladybugs from coming back.


Roaches come indoors during winter for heat and humidity as they cannot survive the cold temperatures outdoors. They are also attracted to plants, leaf litter and mulch. Cockroaches pose a serious health risk to humans as they are known to transmit diseases and trigger allergies and asthma. They will also hitch a ride inside on grocery bags, boxes, and used appliances. They prefer to hang out in kitchens and bathrooms. Keep roaches at bay by cleaning counters and floors and vacuuming frequently. Dispose of your garbage regularly. Keep kitchens and bathrooms clean, especially under appliances and cabinets.


Spiders seek out warm, dark places to hide during the winter, usually in your basement, attic, or rarely used corners of rooms. They will also hide out in boxes and rarely used clothes and shoes. Keep spiders under control this winter by decluttering your home. Dust, vacuum, and sweep out cobwebs frequently. Discard any old boxes and packages they can use to hide out in. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home and cut back overhanging limbs from the roof. Store clothes and shoes in plastic containers.

No one wants to deal with pests inside their home regardless of what season it is. If you have a problem with pests at any time during the year, contact your local pest control company who can help identify the type of pest you have, identify entry points, and set up a treatment and prevention plan going forward.


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3 Ways to Prevent Cockroaches From Your Home

3 Ways to Prevent Cockroaches From Your Home

Your home provides warmth, shelter, and food – three things roaches are in search of this winter season. These pests will easily sneak in and infest your home if there are no preventative measures in place. Check out our top 3 ways to prevent cockroaches from entering your home.

Declutter Your Home

During the day, roaches tend to hide in dark secluded areas until nightfall arrives. By decluttering your home, you eliminate the chance of these pests from hiding out inside and finding items to use for shelter, such as cardboard or newspapers. Instead of using cardboard boxes for storage, switch them out for plastic storage containers. Always recycle and get rid of any old newspapers and unused cardboard boxes.

Seal Up Your Home

If you can see daylight coming through the outside of a door or window, chances are that cockroaches can get in. Roaches can fit into the smallest cracks or crevices leading inside the home. It’s important to inspect the exterior of your home frequently, always looking along the foundation, roof, attic, or crawlspace vents. If a smaller gap or hole is found, seal them using caulk. For larger holes, use steel wool or foam and for chimneys and attic vents use fine wire mesh.

Dry Out Your Home

Moisture will always attract roaches since they need water to survive. It’s important to check your home for leaking faucets, sinks, pipes, and even your refrigerators and appliances. If you notice a leak, make sure you get it fixed immediately.

While prevention can help keep these pests away, sometimes it’s best to call a professional. A pest control company will be able to thoroughly inspect your home, identify the type of cockroach you have, and provide you with the best treatment and prevention plan moving forward.

Why Are Cockroaches So Resilient?

Why Are Cockroaches So Resilient?

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests that homeowners have to deal with. These pests are resilient and are known to survive under the harshest conditions. So why do these pests seem so hard to get rid of? What are the best methods to eliminate them from making their way inside your home?

Cockroaches are built to be almost indestructible. Roaches have exoskeletons made up of overlapping plates connected by a stretchy membrane. This membrane is so flexible that it can allow them to fit through small cracks and crevices. Along with their stretchy membrane, they also have a thick outer layer that can protect them and shift when needed.

Since roaches can use their bodies to fit through small areas, they are great at surviving in harsh conditions. Cockroaches will find shelter to avoid harsh temperatures and other predatory pests that threaten them.

While cockroaches are durably built and sneaky, it doesn’t mean that they are impossible to keep from getting inside your home. Consider utilizing these roach prevention tips:

  • Seal all cracks and crevices around the exterior of your home.
  • Close any open gaps under windows and doors.
  • Take out the garbage daily and store the trashcans away from the home.
  • Clean up any clutter in rooms and areas that are less utilized, such as attics, garages, storage rooms, and closets.
  • Call a professional pest control company. They will inspect, provide treatment, and implement a prevention plan to help avoid and eliminate these pests.

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