Have a Pest-Free BBQ!

Have a Pest-Free BBQ!

It’s officially barbeque season! Many of us are looking forward to getting together with family and friends during this warm weather for a backyard cookout. Unfortunately, we’re not the only ones who love our outside parties; summer pests are also likely to show up and ruin the fun! While it’s impossible to get rid of all pests outside, it is possible to reduce the chance of them crashing your party by taking a few precautions before your next backyard BBQ!

Prepare Before the Party

Before your party day arrives, put preventative measures in place to avoid pests. Check your doors and windows for any gaps or holes and secure them if needed. Check your yard for items that can hold water such as buckets or toys, which can act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and empty or remove them.

Choose the Party Time Wisely

Many pests, like mosquitoes, are most active at dusk and dawn. If your party will take place before sunset, plan to have plenty of insect repellent on hand, especially those that contain DEET. Consider putting citronella candles outside near the party area where they can help minimize the presence of mosquitoes.

Secure the Food

Be prepared for pests to swarm the food and drinks you serve. Some pests, like ants, are looking for any food source such as fruit or sweets. Consider serving your food and drinks indoors and use your outdoor space for eating and entertaining. Try to keep your food in sealed containers when possible and, throughout the party, try to wipe and sweep up any food crumbs or spills to keep pests from infesting.

After the Party

As important as it is to prepare for a party, it’s equally important to clean up afterwards to keep pests from taking over your property afterward. Make sure you clean up any trash that’s been left behind, along with sweeping up crumbs and wiping spills. Wash dishes right after the party instead of letting them lay in the sink overnight. Make sure that you’ve placed your trash in sealed, tightly closed garbage containers outside of your house.

Preparing for a party can be stressful enough, but when pests become a problem they can definitely add to your stress. To ensure a pest-free party, consider calling your local pest control company who can provide you with an inspection and a treatment plan.

Spring Cleaning to Keep Pests Out

Spring Cleaning to Keep Pests Out

Spring is a perfect time to tackle home projects and deep clean the entire house! With warmer weather expected, it’s essential to get your home prepared and cleaned to make sure spring pests don’t infest!

For many, the kitchen is the heart and main area of the household. Family members gather, cook, and eat in this space, making the kitchen the ideal place for pests to take advantage of both food and water sources that are left behind. Pests like ants are known to infest the kitchen for these things they need to survive. Beetles and Indian meal moths are also searching for a food source, usually in pantries. To keep all these pests out, homeowners should make cleaning a priority all year long. Wipe down countertops after any spills or mess and clean up any food crumbs that might have dropped. Consider going through the kitchen pantry monthly to discard any expired items and wipe down the pantry shelves.

Keeping moisture out of your bathroom can sometimes feel impossible. Roaches and silverfish are two pests that are highly attracted to moisture and often found in the bathrooms of homes. With a little preparation and cleaning, every homeowner can eliminate moisture to keep these pests at bay. Check under the sinks and around the tub to ensure there are no leaks. Keep the bathroom decluttered by cleaning out the medicine cabinet and washing the shower curtain and liner.

Basements and crawlspaces are both dark and cool, making them the perfect place for pests to take refuge. Rodents and spiders are commonly found in these places and will often seek clutter and dark corners to hide in. Going through and eliminating cluttered items and belongings stored in the basement will help keep deter these pests. If storage is needed, avoid using cardboard boxes and use plastic bins with secure lids instead.

Keeping pests out of your home can sometimes feel impossible. If you notice more pests in your house than you can handle, consider reaching out to your local pest control company. These trained professionals can help identify the pests, provide a prevention plan, and treat areas as needed.

How Each Season Effects Pests

How Each Season Effects Pests

No matter what the temperature is, pests are still in search of two things: shelter and food. This means that throughout the year, your home is at risk for any pest to enter and invade. Each season brings different pests to the varying stages of their life cycles. This means that while you can expect mosquitoes in the summer, you wouldn’t expect them in the winter. It’s important to know the seasonal pest patterns for your area so you can make the proper preparations for your home.

Winter is a time for hibernation and survival for many pests and wildlife. The colder weather has most pests looking for shelter. Depending on the pest, they often seek it both outdoors and indoors. Bees, wasps, and other stinging insects seek out places in logs or eaves of homes. Overwintering pests like spiders, cockroaches, and rodents tend to look indoors, sometimes in our homes, for a warm place to inhabit. The main key to preventing these pests is to start pest-proofing in the fall!

Springtime brings certain pests out from hibernation and many look to start the mating process. Pests that hibernate during the winter will awaken from a dormant state and emerge. Increased activity begins for pests like termites as their swarming season begins. Likewise, spring rain will drive ants out from their nesting sites in search for higher grounds. It’s important to ensure your home is prepared for these pests throughout the spring. Getting proactive now on your pest proofing will only ensure that these pests stay out of your home. Inspect the exterior and interior of the home for cracks or holes and make sure your yard is clear of standing water.

Backyard pests are out and about during the humid months of summer. While we tend to see fewer summer pests indoors, we do see a larger amount in our yards. Mosquitoes are especially active during these months due to the moisture of the spring and summer rains. Others like bees, wasps, and other stinging pests can be seen too.

Before winter hits, most pests are getting ready to hibernate and prepare for the cold weather during the fall season. In these months, certain pests and wildlife creatures will invade your property in search of shelter for the winter. Fall pests include ladybugs, boxelder bugs, and spiders. These pests are most likely looking for shelter before the colder temperatures hit.

If you feel your home is nesting unwanted pests or would like to ensure they don’t enter your home, call your local pest control company who can provide you with a home inspection, prevention plan, and treatment plan.

Don’t Forget the Forgotten Rooms

Don’t Forget the Forgotten Rooms

Main living areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms are all places that homeowners want to ensure are pest-free and wildlife-free year-round. While these spaces are always important to keep free of pests, it’s equally important to prevent them from entering the “forgotten rooms” in your home, as well. These forgotten areas include your basement, attic, and even extra storage rooms. Unfortunately, many homeowners are so focused on keeping the main living areas pest-free that they sometimes forget these other areas too. 

Wildlife critters and household pests are looking for three things: water, food, and a warm environment. These three elements are easily available inside every home. Your attic is the perfect room for wildlife to make their home and for a pest to infest. Wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, and birds can make their way through any openings or gaps leading into the attic. Sealing up any entry points is always a great start for wildlife prevention. Check your attic for any holes or gaps and seal them up immediately. In addition, inspecting your attic insulation is key to household pest prevention. Proper attic insulation can help prevent bugs such as roaches or ants from making their way inside. 

Basements will often contain moisture by way of standing water, which provides pests and wildlife a plentiful water supply. Water is one of the main sources of attraction for pests like termites and millipedes. Cutting down moisture is essential to pest prevention. A moisture barrier for your crawlspace and a gutter protection system for your roof are great investments to help eliminate any standing water. These investments both help ensure that water is not filtering into your crawlspace and basement area.

If you suspect that you have a pest or wildlife infestation in your home’s “forgotten areas,” consider reaching out to your local pest control company. A professional will inspect these areas and provide you with a prevention and treatment plan.

4 Pests That Are Closer Than You Think!

4 Pests That Are Closer Than You Think!

During the wintertime, many homeowners worry less about pests that are common during the spring and summer months. Contrary to popular belief, however, some pests don’t just die off; instead they use their survival instincts to get through the winter. Here is a list of four common winter pests and what you can do to prevent them once the warmer weather arrives! 


Seeing ants marching inside your home is typically uncommon during the winter months. Ants are still around, however, as they are great at overwintering and preparing for the cold! Ants prepare for the colder weather starting in the fall where they indulge in lots of food. This preparation technique helps them put on fat so they can survive for weeks at a time without eating. When winter finally arrives, their body temperature and activity will decrease. They will then seal up their colonies built deep in the soil or under rocks, where they will stay until springtime arrives!  

Once the warmer weather hits, ants are full of energy and ready to invade your home in search of more food. To make sure these pests don’t come inside, seal all open gaps and holes, especially around areas where pipes and wires enter your home. 

Bed Bugs 

Bed bugs are active year-round, meaning they will invade your home whether it’s cold or warm outside. These pests are extremely resilient and can survive temperatures from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit! Because they can withstand these extreme temperatures, bed bug control can be difficult. Common signs of bed bugs include rusty, reddish-brown stains on bed sheets or mattresses, bites on exposed skin when sleeping, and eggs or egg casings. 

After coming home from traveling, unpack your clothes and put them directly into your washing machine to clean. Always inspect your luggage for bed bugs and use a vacuum to clean it before storing it. 


Most cockroaches can survive year-round if they have access to a warm and moist environment. Unfortunately, this means your home is the perfect place for these pests to inhabit. German cockroaches are one species that are known to survive harsh weather conditions. When cold hits, these roaches are great at sneaking indoors through small gaps and holes. 

Cockroaches prefer to live in humid habitats, especially in residential kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. To ensure these pests don’t infest your home, make sure to clean up any spills or food crumbs, vacuum often, and use weatherstripping to seal doorways. 


It’s inevitable to see mosquitoes out during the summer months; but it may be surprising to most that these pests don’t die off when winter hits. Mosquitoes will, instead, overwinter or hibernate in protected areas such as hollow logs. When the temperatures increase, female mosquitoes will awaken and seek out a blood source to feed on to begin developing eggs. 

Preparing for mosquito activity before summer arrives is crucial in protecting your home and family. Confirm your home is mosquito-proofed by eliminating any standing water, debris from your gutters, and sealing any holes or gaps leading inside the home. 

To prevent these pests from invading your home when spring and summer hit, consider contacting your local pest control company. A trained professional can then provide you with an inspection, prevention, and treatment plan. 

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