Keeping Summer Pests Away

Keeping Summer Pests Away

The warmer weather can bring out a mass of pests looking for food, water, and shelter. If certain preventative measures are not placed around your home, pests can easily find their way indoors, making it difficult to get rid of them. Check out our top summer pests and how to prevent them below.


These tiny pests are most active in the summer months due to the warm, humid weather. You will certainly come across mosquitoes and preventing them is easier than you might think. They lay their eggs in standing water, so make sure your property is clear of standing water, including pet bowls and birdbaths. Emptying these items daily will help lessen the possibility of mosquito breeding.


Another small and pesky insect is the ant. These pests love getting into your home to look for leftover food or crumbs. It’s best to vacuum weekly to help alleviate the crumbs leftover in your home. Ants can gain access through the smallest crack or crevice, so be sure to find and seal these as soon as possible.


These pests will eat just about anything, making them hard to get rid of once they’ve invaded your home. Cockroaches can pose a health threat to your family as they are known to spread bacteria and cause severe allergic reactions. The key to discouraging these pests is to eliminate any food sources that are readily available to them.  After each meal, wipe down all countertops, stovetops, and spills. Take the trash out regularly and use trash cans with tight-fitting lids.

Dealing with summer pests can be a hassle and take away from your summer fun. If the pest problem is bigger than you can handle, then reach out to your local pest control company to find a prevention plan fit for your home.

Preventing the Top Three Summer Pests

Preventing the Top Three Summer Pests

Summer can bring out a mass of pests looking for food, water, and shelter. If certain preventative measures are not put in place around your home, they can easily infest inside, making them difficult to get rid of. Here we break down the top three most popular summer pests to look out for and how you can prevent them.


Ants are small, sneaky, and looking for your leftover food crumbs! These pests can access your home through only a small gap or hole leading inside. Inspect and seal all cracks and crevices throughout the inside and outside of your home. Likewise, eliminating potential food sources they find attractive is a great way to prevent ants. Make sure that you are keeping a clean home by sweeping, mopping, taking the trash out regularly, and immediately cleaning up any spills.


Mosquitoes are most active during warmer, humid weather. It’s certain you will come across these pests in the summertime but preventing them from infesting is easier than you think. Mosquitoes will lay their eggs in any standing water. Avoid standing water throughout your property by getting rid of objects that can hold water such as toys, pet bowls, tarps, birdbaths, etc. If clogged, gutters will also hold water, so make sure they are clear of debris to avoid providing them a place to breed and lay their eggs.


Roaches eat just about anything, making them difficult to get rid of once they’ve infested your home. These pests can be a health threat as they are known to spread bacteria and cause severe allergic reactions. Eliminating any food source available to them is key to discouraging these pests. After each meal, wipe down any grease from the stovetop and appliances, clean up any leftover crumbs and spills from the countertops, and seal leftover food in airtight containers. Always take the trash out regularly and use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids. Before bringing in any newspapers or packages, inspect them throughout to ensure these pests are not sneaking in.

Dealing with summer pests can be a hassle and take away from all the summer fun! If you are having a summer pest problem, consider calling your local pest control provider. These professionals can provide you with a thorough inspection, identify the type of pest you are dealing with, and provide a treatment and prevention plan fit for your property.

Avoiding Stinging Pests at Your Business

Avoiding Stinging Pests at Your Business

Spotting stinging pests around your business can be alarming. Yellowjackets, wasps, and hornets are all active during the warmer season as they go in search of a food source and a place to establish their colony. These pests can pose a serious health risk to your customers and business. We break down the most common stinging pests and the best ways to avoid them.


Wasps will build their paper-like nests on eaves, porch ceilings, branches, and windowsills. These pests search for food during the summer months. They are highly attracted to any food found outdoors, along with anything with a fragrant smell such as candles or flowers. When threatened, these pests will sting multiple times and eventually call on reinforcements from other wasps by emitting pheromones.


Hornet nests are built in hollow trees or the walls of buildings and attics. These pests are attracted to light and will often fly into open windows at night if they see a light. Hornets like to eat fruit and honeydew, causing them to congregate in areas where these foods are found. While they are non-aggressive near their nests, they will sting if they feel threatened. When stings occur, the stinger can get lodged in the skin.

Yellow Jackets

Yellowjackets are social insects and can be found wherever humans are. These pests like to eat sweets and proteins and will invade outdoor events to find these foods. Yellowjackets build their nests in high places, such as on trees and buildings, or on the ground. If they feel threatened, they will sting multiple times which can be extremely painful.

Stinging Pest Prevention for Your Business

  • Always keep outside food areas clean, wiping up any leftover food debris.
  • Keep garbage cans tightly sealed and emptied regularly.
  • Untreated wood can attract stinging pests; make sure to stain, seal, or paint wood throughout your business exterior.
  • Perform weekly inspections throughout your business property to keep an eye on these pests.
  • If you have a public area where customers can eat, use signage to remind them to throw away food scraps and clean up spills.

If you have a problem with stinging pests, contact Commercial Services for an inspection and treatment plan.

Does Hot Weather Bring Out Cockroaches?

Does Hot Weather Bring Out Cockroaches?

Although cockroaches are considered a year-round pest, their populations swell in the summertime. Particularly in the southeast, roaches cause problems for both residential and commercial properties during these hot summer months. Cockroaches are hardy pests that are highly adaptable to a variety of conditions. They particularly thrive in warm, humid environments, which are readily available in the hot, muggy summer heat. Infestations are more likely in the summertime because this increase in temperature spurs them to feed and reproduce at a much faster rate. When the temperature gets too hot, even roaches that usually stay outdoors will make their way into your home or business in search of food, water, and shelter.

How can you prevent a cockroach infestation this summer? Check out these tips to prevent cockroaches from taking over your home.

1. Clean It Up

Roaches will come indoors in search of food and water. Eliminating their food source is one way to discourage them from coming into your home. Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight; wash them and put them away after each meal. Clean up any crumbs or spills immediately. Wipe up any grease from the stovetop and other appliances. Seal food, including pet food, in airtight containers. Mop and vacuum on a regular basis. Don’t leave pet food or water out overnight. Take out the garbage before going to bed. Use garbage cans with tight fitting lids. Wipe out the trashcan regularly. Make sure to check behind cabinets and appliances for spills/crumbs. Roaches like these areas because of the warmth the appliances give off combined with the likelihood of spilled food.

2. Clear It Out

Roaches hide out during the day so they will seek out dark, protected areas to hole up in until nightfall. Declutter your home and get rid of anything they can use for shelter. Roaches also love to breed in cardboard and newspaper. Recycle any old newspapers and get rid of unused cardboard boxes. Try to use plastic storage containers rather than cardboard boxes if possible.

3. Seal Them Out

Roaches are very creative when it comes to finding ways into your home. A good rule of thumb is if you can see daylight around a door or window, roaches can get in. Inspect at least once a year around windows and doors, along foundations and the roof, attic and crawlspace vents, and around holes used for electric, gas, and plumbing lines. Seal any cracks and holes you find. Use caulk to seal smaller holes, steel wool or foam for larger holes, and fine wire mesh on chimneys and attic vents.

4. Dry It Out

Roaches (along with many other pests) are attracted to moisture because they need water to survive. Regularly inspect your home for any leaking faucets, sinks, or pipes and check refrigerators and appliances to make sure they aren’t producing excess moisture. Get any known leaks or plumbing issues fixed immediately.

5. Call A Pro

Prevention can only get you so far when it comes to keeping roaches out. Nothing eliminates a pest as well as professional service. If you suspect you have a roach infestation, contact a pest control company who can thoroughly inspect your home to help identify which type of cockroach you are dealing with, help identify any potential areas where they are getting in, provide you with the most up-to-date elimination and control methods, and help you with a prevention plan going forward.


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Your Guide To Summer Pest Control

Your Guide To Summer Pest Control

One thing we look forward to in the summer is warmer weather which lets us spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately for some, this also means summer pests come out full force to ruin your outdoor plans. Some of the most common summer pests are flies, ants, mosquitoes, roaches, gnats, ticks, rodents, and stinging insects like wasps and hornets.

There are five major reasons these pests become more prominent in the summer months. The first is temperature. The temperature outside can affect both the behavior and development of pests. Many of these creatures favor the warmer temps, increasing their activity. Other pests, however, will make their way into your home in an effort to escape the heat. Moisture also contributes to pests invading in the summer. Most pests need water to survive and will thrive in moist environments. The increased humidity and summer rain showers provide ideal conditions for pests to thrive during this season. During times of drought, they will make their way indoors in search of water.

Summer also means longer days and shorter nights. More daylight means more time for pests to stay active in their search for food. Food is another motivator for summer pest activity. Grass and other vegetation grows in abundance in the summer months, providing a literal feast for many pests. This also provides them with an ideal place to hide out. Finally, for many pests summer is one of the busiest seasons of their life cycle. They reproduce at a rapid rate during these months in order to grow their populations before the slow down of the winter months. Many also go in search of food to store away for their upcoming winter hibernation or brumation.

Summer pests don’t have to ruin your good times. Here are some Dos and Don’ts of summer pest control.


  • Remove any sources of standing water like bird baths, buckets, and toys.
  • Keep drainage areas and gutters clear and freeflowing.
  • Consider installing gutter guards.
  • Make sure rain water is diverted from foundations.
  • Repair loose mortars around foundation.
  • Keep your yard tidy and grass cut short.
  • Replace weatherstripping around windows and doors.
  • Keep counters clean and floors swept.
  • Keep food and pet food put away in sealed containers.
  • Keep basements, attics, and crawlspaces well ventilated and dry.
  • Consider crawlspace enclosure.
  • Throw away overripe fruits and vegetables.
  • Use trashcans with tight fitting lids and clean them regularly.


  • Leave pet food and water bowls out overnight.
  • Let garbage pile up.
  • Leave dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Store firewood or other materials up against the house.
  • Ignore cracks and openings in your home’s exterior.
  • Let sprinklers spray toward foundations.
  • Store piles of newspapers or other materials.
  • Use cardboard boxes for storage; use plastic when possible.

If you have a problem with pests this summer, contact your local pest control company who can evaluate your home, identify the type of pest you are dealing with, find how and where they are getting into your home, and provide you with the best treatment and prevention plan for your situation.


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