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Earlier this week we posted about ghost ants that had invaded a man’s recently purchased truck. This was the first documented case of ghost ants in Georgia. Today, we have news of the tawny crazy ant that has now been identified in Georgia.
University of Georgia Extension agent, James Morgan, found tawny crazy ants in an assisted living facility in Dougherty County. Thousands of ants were found dead in a corner and more located on the outside of the building.
Morgan knew these ants were a different species than the ones he’s used to identifying in Georgia. “They’re reddish in color, very tiny, and they run around and scurry really fast. And they don’t march in a straight row like Argentine ants,” said Morgan. So he sent them off to be examined by a UGA entomologist and were later confirmed as tawny crazy ants by Joe MacGown at the Mississippi Entomological Museum.
Tawny crazy ants are classified as a nuisance pest. They invade in masses and are attracted to electrical sources such as computers, electrical boxes, etc.
To read the entire article in the Atlanta Business Chronicle click HERE.
Source: Tawny crazy ants found in Georgia | Atlanta Business Chronicle
The Tawny Crazy Ant | NPMA