
Prevention is key in keeping mosquitoes and other pests away from your home.  Making your property less appealing to mosquitoes is a huge step in keeping mosquitoes away.  If they don’t have a place to lay their eggs, then they won’t stick around.  One of the most important things you can do is to remove areas of standing water.

This can be done by eliminating areas in your yard where standing water occurs (gutters, plants, lawn decor, tires, playgrounds, items found in yard, etc.).  Make sure that things such as bird baths, fountains, and plants are emptied frequently.

This is one simple yet effective way to keep mosquitoes away.

Mosquito Control by a professional pest control company can effectively eliminate mosquito habitats and work with you to ensure that your property is not a mosquito magnet!

Call Northwest Exterminating for more information on our Green Mosquito Control Program.

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