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We have some incredible customers that have chosen The Mouse for many years! We couldn’t be more thankful for customers who continue to trust our team to protect their home. Because of the longstanding relationship we have with some of our customers, our teammates try to get to know each and genuinely listen for ways we may be able to help if the time ever comes.
For our Monroe team, that time came in September when longtime customers mentioned a need for a small shed to be removed from their property. The family was unable to remove the shed on their own due to health and cost concerns, but when the need was mentioned to their Northwest Service Professional, that teammate brought the need back to their team to see if we could help.
The Monroe team came together to demolish the shed and remove the debris from the property so that the family would not have to worry about it! What only took a few hours for our team meant so much to the family.
Our teammates were grateful that the family allowed us to help in this small way. Looking for the meaningful ways to make a difference is the Northwest Way, and we are thankful to have teammates who care about their customers, as our Monroe team continues to show.