Can You Have Termites in Winter?

Can You Have Termites in Winter?

Winter in Georgia may bring chilly temperatures, but for homeowners, it’s no time to let their guard down, especially when it comes to termite control. Contrary to popular belief, termites can remain active during the colder months, making it crucial to stay vigilant year-round. In this blog post, we’ll explore the types of termites found in Georgia, the concept of a termite season, signs of a termite infestation, and essential tips for prevention.

Types of Termites in Georgia

Georgia is home to several termite species, with the most common being Eastern Subterranean Termites, Formosan Subterranean Termites, and Drywood Termites. Each type poses its own set of challenges for homeowners, making termite control a necessity.

Is There a Termite Season in Georgia?

While many associate termite activity with warmer months, Georgia’s mild climate means that termites can remain active throughout the year. There might be a slight slowdown in winter, but it’s a mistake to assume that termites take a complete hiatus. In fact, their activity might even go unnoticed, making it crucial for homeowners to be proactive in their termite control efforts.

Signs of Termites in Your Home

Detecting termite activity early is key to preventing extensive damage. Keep an eye out for the following signs:

  1. Mud Tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel between their nest and food source. Check for these on your foundation or in crawl spaces.
  2. Swarmers: Reproductive termites, or swarmers, may emerge in large numbers during the spring. However, some species, like the Formosan termites, can swarm in the winter.
  3. Wood Damage: Look for hollow-sounding or damaged wood, as termites consume wood from the inside out.
  4. Discarded Wings: After swarming, termites shed their wings. Piles of discarded wings near windows or light sources can indicate an infestation.

Termite Prevention Tips

Prevention is the best defense against termites. Here are some tips to protect your home:

  1. Moisture Control: Termites are attracted to moisture. Ensure proper ventilation and address any leaks promptly.
  2. Regular Inspections: Schedule regular termite inspections to catch any infestation in its early stages.
  3. Wood-to-Ground Contact: Avoid direct wood-to-soil contact in and around your home.
  4. Remove Wooden Debris: Clear away dead trees, stumps, and other wooden debris from your property.
  5. Professional Treatment: Enlist the help of a professional pest control company for regular termite control treatments.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Safeguard your home from termite damage by requesting a free termite control quote from our experienced team. Our experts are ready to assess your property, identify potential risks, and implement effective termite control measures tailored to your needs.

In conclusion, termites in Georgia don’t take a winter vacation. Stay informed, remain vigilant, and take proactive steps to protect your home from these silent invaders. Contact a professional pest control company today for a comprehensive termite control solution and ensure your home stays termite-free year-round.

When Is Termite Treatment Necessary?

When Is Termite Treatment Necessary?

Georgia is known for its beautiful landscapes, warm weather, and vibrant communities. Unfortunately, it’s also known for its thriving termite populations. Termites can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, causing extensive and costly damage to your property. In this blog post, we’ll explore why termite treatment is a necessity for your Georgia home, discussing the types of termites found in the state, signs of termites, how to spot termite damage, and crucial tips to prevent and eliminate these destructive pests from your yard.

Termites Found in Georgia:

Georgia is home to several termite species, but the most common ones that homeowners encounter include Eastern Subterranean Termites and Formosan Termites. These voracious pests feed on wood, paper, and cellulose materials, posing a significant threat to your home’s structural integrity.

Signs of Termites:

  1. Swarmers: One of the most obvious signs of termites is the emergence of termite swarmers. These winged insects are reproductive termites, and their presence in or around your home is a clear indication of a termite infestation.
  2. Mud Tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to protect themselves from light and open air. You may spot these pencil-sized tubes along your foundation, walls, or in your crawl space.
  3. Wood Damage: Termite-infested wood often appears hollow or papery, and you may find small, pin-sized holes on its surface. Termites consume wood from the inside, making it difficult to detect their presence until extensive damage has occurred.
  4. Tight-Fitting Doors and Windows: If your doors and windows suddenly become difficult to open or close, it could be due to termite damage, which warps the wood.
  5. Pellet-Like Droppings: Drywood termites leave behind small, pellet-like droppings called frass. If you see these near infested wood or in your home, it’s a clear sign of termite activity.

How to Spot Termite Damage:

Termite damage can be difficult to detect until it’s severe. To identify termite damage, look for the following:

  • Hollow or damaged wood.
  • Cracked or bubbling paint on wooden surfaces.
  • Buckling or sagging floors.
  • Mud tubes along your home’s foundation.
  • Presence of swarmers or discarded wings.

Tips to Prevent and Eliminate Termites:

  1. Regular Inspections: Schedule annual termite inspections with a professional pest control company in Georgia. They can identify termites early and recommend appropriate termite treatment if needed.
  2. Reduce Moisture: Termites are drawn to moisture. Fix any leaks and ensure good drainage around your home. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements and crawl spaces.
  3. Remove Wood-to-Soil Contact: Termites thrive in direct contact with soil. Keep wooden structures, like fences and firewood, off the ground or at least 18 inches away from it.
  4. Termite-Resistant Materials: When building or renovating your home, consider using termite-resistant materials like treated wood or concrete.
  5. Regular Yard Maintenance: Keep your yard well-maintained by removing dead trees, stumps, and wood debris. Termites often start infestations outdoors before moving indoors.

Request a Free Termite Control Quote:

Protecting your Georgia home from termite damage is essential, and timely termite treatment is crucial in this battle. If you suspect or have confirmed termite activity in your home, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Request a free termite control quote from our experienced team. We have the expertise and local knowledge to help you safeguard your home from these destructive pests.

Don’t wait until termites cause extensive damage to your property. Contact your local pest control company today for a free termite control quote and take the first step in defending your Georgia home against these silent invaders. Your peace of mind is just a call away!

Signs of Subterranean Termites in Your South Florida Home

Signs of Subterranean Termites in Your South Florida Home

Subterranean termites eat wood from the inside out, often hiding and going undetected until severe damage is done. These termites will often infest homes by entering through stucco, slab foundation, and other hidden areas with access to the structure. The best way to prevent these termites is to understand their signs of infestation so you can begin to eliminate them early before the infestation gets out of hand.

Termite Signs in Homes

Here are 5 signs of subterranean termites in homes:

  1. Swarms: An early sign that subterraneans are in your home is spotting termite swarms in your neighborhood. These swarms can sometimes be confused with flying ants. Swarms will typically emerge in the spring or early summer to reproduce and establish a new colony. If you see these swarms, it’s a good indicator that a colony is looking for a new place to build their nest.
  2. Mud Tubes: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel back and forth between your home and their nest. You’ll find these on walls, ceilings, floors, exterior surfaces, on the sides of slabs, and are usually the size of a pencil. These tubes help protect them from damage and predators, also allowing them to accumulate moisture to survive.
  3. Noises: While it can be difficult to hear termite noises, it is possible! If a colony is large and established, you could hear a faint clicking or knocking sound behind your wall or in other voids. This noise is the sounds soldier termites make when they are banging their heads against wood or vibrating their bodies to indicate to the rest of their colony that there is danger.
  4. Hollow Wood: If you tap on wooden surfaces of your home and hear a hollow or paper sound instead of a solid thud, this is a sign that a termite colony could be established. Additionally, if you spot blistering or bubbling paint, especially near the window and door trim, could be another indication termites are inside.
  5. Wood Damage: Floor, door, and window damage can indicate that termites have infested. Typical termite wood damage includes floors that buckle or sag and difficulty closing doors or windows.

Consider Termite Treatments

If you notice any of the above signs in your Florida home, it’s best to contact your local termite control company as soon as possible. These professionals will thoroughly inspect your home, provide you with a termite treatment plan for the existing termite colony, and recommend the best prevention plan moving forward to avoid another infestation.

Termite Control for Your Oakland Park Home

Termite Control for Your Oakland Park Home

Termite Control Oakland Park

Once termites have infested your Florida home, it’s hard to stop their damage. Both drywood and subterranean termites can wreak havoc, often going undetected for long periods of time, with repairs costing thousands of dollars. The best way to avoid termite damage is investing in termite control. Check out some termite control options for your Oakland Park home.

Termite Treatment Options in Florida

Bait Stations

Bait stations, including the Sentricon Always Active Station, are installed by a pest professional and placed at the perimeter of your home to eliminate subterranean termites. The bait stations provide termites with a food source, which contains a slow-acting termiticide treatment that termites will take back to their colony, eventually eliminating it. A bait station is great to utilize where surface treatments cannot be used, including near foundation drains and areas covered by slabs or flooring. This option is a long-termite preventative solution to avoid termite infestations.

Liquid Termite Defense

Liquid termite treatments are a great way to combat subterranean termites and their colonies. This treatment option is a great way to prevent termites from invading your home. The treatment requires a pest control company to dig a trench around the perimeter of your foundation. Once the trench is dug, a termiticide is injected in the proper intervals. The treatment utilized isn’t instant to give enough time for termites to bring it back to the queen and ultimately eliminate the entire colony at hand.

No-Tent Termite Treatment

The no-tent termite treatment option is best used when drywood termites have infested your home. This option is a great alternative to tent fumigation when you’re not able to vacate the home for treatment. A no-tent termite solution utilizes a non-repellent product into drywood termite galleries to eliminate the termites found in your home. The treatment is slow acting to allow the termites who have come in contact with the product to take it back to the queen and colony to eliminate it.

Dealing with a termite infestation is less than ideal so it’s important to understand preventative measures that you can keep in mind and place throughout your home to avoid their infestation.

DIY termite control tips:

  • Reduce openings that offer access to termites by filling cracks in cement foundations or around gaps where utilities enter the home with cement, caulk, or grout.
  • Eliminate sources of water, including fixing leaks found inside or outside of your home immediately
  • Repair and close any entry points that are leading into your home
  • Keep your attic and crawlspace well-ventilated to help reduce moisture; consider utilizing a dehumidifier.
  • Remove old trees, lumber, or tree stumps found throughout your property
  • Contact your local pest control company to provide you with a thorough termite inspection and the best termite control plan based on your home’s needs.

Request a Free Oakland Park Termite Inspection

When Does Georgia Termite Season End?

When Does Georgia Termite Season End?

Termites are a major problem in the southeastern region of the United States. These wood-eating insects can cause extensive damage to homes and are active year-round. However, Georgia termite season typically peaks from March to November.

The period termites are visible depends on a variety of factors, including the type of termite, the weather, the amount of moisture in the soil, and human activity.

The two main types of termites you might encounter in your area are subterranean and drywood termites. Subterranean termites are more active during the warmer months, when the soil temperature is above a certain degree. They forage for food underground, so they can be affected by the changes in soil temperature. These termites can remain active in the winter if they find a warm, moist area, such as a basement. Typically found in more southern, coastal areas in Georgia, drywood termites can be active year-round, as they are found inside the wood that is in your home, allowing them not to be exposed to temperature variations.

Controlling termites is a two-part process: preventing termites from accessing your home and treating known termite colonies. Methods to help prevent termites from damaging your home include:

  • Receiving regular termite inspections yearly is recommended.
  • Working with your termite technician to address any concerns, such as wood-to-ground contact or excess moisture
  • Receiving a customized termite prevention plan perfect for your property needs

Although termites are less active in cooler months, it doesn’t mean your home is off their mind. Give our team a call today to get ready for the termites’ off-season!

Carpenter Ants vs Termites: Spot the Difference

Carpenter Ants vs Termites: Spot the Difference

Carpenter ants and termites can wreak havoc on the wood frame of your home. Prevention and treatment depends on which species you are dealing with. How can you tell the difference between these two winged insects? Here we look at the differences in carpenter ants vs termites, along with how to eliminate them.

Carpenter ants (Camponotus) and termites (Isoptera) have many similarities, including the fact that both are infamous for causing wood damage in homes. Aside from the size of their wings during reproduction, termites are nearly the same size as the several species that make up the carpenter ant group; and, like carpenter ants, termites burrow into wood, allowing them to destroy your home’s wood frame. Because both carpenter ants and termites swarm in the spring to mate, homeowners who observe the swarms frequently confuse them.

Ants and termites have quite different lifespans—termites live longer because of their lengthy life cycle. While the queen carpenter ant can live for up to ten years, male carpenter ants marry and then die within a few months, if not weeks.  Ants have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Termites, on the other hand, have a longer lifespan: the queen can live for more than 30 years, while worker and soldier termites live for one to two years and swarmers, aka reproductive termites, live for three to four years. Termites have a lengthier life cycle than ants, with five stages consisting of egg, larva, nymph, molt, and adult.

Termites can do more damage to homes than carpenter ants, causing major damage when left undetected for long periods of time. Carpenter ant damage can take years to develop and is usually easier to notice because these ants congregate in moist locations and can be seen darting around.

A closer examination of the pest in question reveals substantial physical distinctions that make it easy to distinguish between termites and carpenter ants. Examine the insect closely with a magnifying lens, or shine a bright light on it and use your naked eye.

  • Body shape: When examining the insect’s body shape, pay close attention to the abdominal area. A termite does not have a “waist,” but rather a more rectangular body with no constriction in the center. The carpenter ant, on the other hand, has a well-defined, tight, constricted waist.
  • Antennae: An insect’s antennae can also help you identify it. A termite’s antennae are straight and beaded, but a carpenter ant’s antennae are bent or “elbowed.”
  • Wings: Both insects are winged, with four wings apiece. Wings are one of the best ways to differentiate between carpenter ants and termites. A termite has wings that are the same size and shape as its body, and they are significantly longer than its body. The back, hind wings of a carpenter ant are shorter than the front forewings, and the wings do not appear particularly long or disproportionate to the body. Another disadvantage of termites is that their wings are not as strong as those of ants. The termite’s wings readily fall off. The termite infestation can be identified by the presence of loose wings near the entry of a termite nest.
  • Color: Ant workers are reddish or black in color and are usually spotted hunting for food in the open. Termite workers, on the other hand, are translucent, pale or creamy white in appearance. Unless their colony is damaged, termites are rarely observed.

The two insects interact with wood in various ways. Termites, for example, consume the wood in which they nest. Carpenter ants excavate their nests by digging into the wood; they do not eat the wood but rather push it out via holes in their colonies’ galleries. If you observe small heaps of wood shavings or frass (insect excrement) below the holes, it can help you identify a carpenter ant infestation. Carpenter ants prefer moist and damaged wood in which to build their nests, whereas termites will munch right through healthy wood.

Another noticeable difference is the appearance of the wood tunnels. Carpenter ant tunnels and galleries will be smooth and finished, whereas termite galleries will be rough and ragged because they are filled with layers of soil and mud.

Finally, the presence of mud tubes can help you identify which pest you are dealing with. A mud tube shows the presence of termites, either currently or previously. These are tubes that are created on the outside of walls or between earth and wood to serve as routes for termites.

Because carpenter ants and termites are so different, effective control strategies for each are likewise different. Carpenter ants can often be handled by removing the conditions that attracted them, but a termite infestation would usually necessitate a termite control expert. If you have a problem with either of these winged insects in or around your home, contact your local pest control company for an evaluation.

How to Avoid a Drywood Termite Infestation in South Florida

How to Avoid a Drywood Termite Infestation in South Florida

Florida is notorious for its termite problem, and drywood termites are a common termite species found in homes. These pests can cause considerable damage to our homes, leading to costly repairs. It’s important for homeowners to understand the methods of preventing termites from invading their homes. Check out common tips Florida homeowners can utilize to prevent a drywood termite infestation.

Seal Cracks and Gaps

Drywood termites are extremely small, typically ranging from 3/8 in length, but termite soldiers and workers can be even smaller.  These pests can easily enter your home through the tiniest crack or gap. It’s important to inspect your home for any openings, including around doors and windows, and even the areas around your utility pipes. Make sure to seal them up with caulk or another appropriate sealant as soon as possible. For areas in your home that must be left open, consider using mesh screens to cover them.

Inspect Wood Furniture & Materials

Drywood termites can easily infest lumber, firewood, and wood furniture. Before bringing any of these items inside your home, it’s essential to inspect them first. Drywood termites will also infest furniture, including old pieces of antique furniture and built-in cabinets utilizing second-hand furniture.

Turn Off Lights at Night

Swarmers, or flying termites, are attracted to light sources, making it essential to eliminate them, especially at night. Particularly, drywood termite swarms like to surround light bulbs and lamps during their flight. At night, look to minimize light sources by turning them off and keeping your windows and curtains closed to avoid attracting them. Consider replacing the porch and floor lights with insect-resistant yellow bulbs to help repel them or motion sensor lighting around your home.

Regularly Inspect Your Home

Regular inspections can help you catch any signs of a drywood termite infestation early, so it’s important to recognize their signs. Inspect your home for small holes in wood, piles of droppings, or wings shed by the termites. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to call a professional for help immediately.

Hire a Professional Pest Control Company

Sometimes, the best way to prevent a drywood termite infestation is to consider hiring your local professional pest control company to inspect your home regularly, treat any existing infestations, and provide a prevention plan to avoid a future infestation. These professionals will have the knowledge, experience, and tools necessary to detect and eliminate these pests effectively.

How to Protect your Home from Termites this Summer

How to Protect your Home from Termites this Summer

Termites are a common pest that can wreak havoc on your home during the summertime. These tiny insects can eat through wood and other building materials, causing extensive damage to your property. Discover the signs of a termite infestation and our tips on how to prevent further termite damage to your home.

There are several signs that you may have a termite infestation in your home. These include:

  • Presence of winged termites or termite swarmers near your home or inside your home.
  • Mud tubes along your home’s foundation or walls.
  • Hollow-sounding or damaged wood.

Preventing termite damage starts with being proactive about termite control. Here are some tips to help you prevent further damage to your home:

  • Keep your home’s exterior well-maintained: Termites are attracted to wood and other cellulose-based materials. To prevent them from infesting your home, make sure to keep your home’s exterior well-maintained. This includes removing any dead trees or stumps from your yard, as well as keeping firewood and other wood-based materials away from your home.
  • Keep your home’s interior clean and dry: Termites thrive in moist environments. To prevent them from infesting your home, make sure to keep your home’s interior clean and dry. This includes fixing any leaks or water damage, as well as using a dehumidifier to reduce humidity levels.
  • Schedule regular termite inspections: Even if you don’t see any signs of termites, it’s important to schedule regular termite inspections to catch any infestations early. A professional termite control company can help identify any signs of termite activity and provide effective treatment options.

If you discover any signs of termites in your home, consider calling your local pest control company for a free termite inspection!

Benefits to Termite Baiting Systems for Your South Florida Home

Benefits to Termite Baiting Systems for Your South Florida Home

Living in South Florida can come with many perks, including lots of sunshine and beautiful ocean views. Unfortunately, it can also come with termites! These silent destroyers can cause significant damage to your home from the inside out. There are several treatment options out there to help keep termites under control, including the Sentricon Always Active® system. Here is more information on subterranean termites, along with ways to prevent and eliminate them.

What are Subterranean Termites?

Let’s talk about these stealthy troublemakers! Subterranean termites are the most common type of termite found in residential areas. They thrive in moist soil and create underground colonies, where they build intricate tunnel systems to access sources of food. Their damage can go unseen for years, hence the nickname, Silent Destroyers.

How to Prevent Subterranean Termites:

  • Remove Moisture from Home: Subterranean termites love moisture, so keep an eye on areas prone to dampness, such as crawlspaces and basements. Ensure proper ventilation and address any leaks or water issues promptly. By eliminating excess moisture, you’re making your home less attractive to termites.
  • Protect your Home’s Foundation: Keep some space between your home and the landscaping.
  • Conduct Regular Inspections: In between your yearly termite inspection, you should be conducting one of your own. Here are the most prominent signs of subterranean termites in your home:
    • Mud tubes or tunnels on walls
    • Swarming termites and their discarded wings
    • Wood damage, like hollow sounding wood, sagging or buckling floors, or warped paint
    • Frass or termite droppings near wooden structures

When it comes to termite control for subterranean termites, Sentricon Always Active® baiting system stands out as a highly effective and eco-friendly solution. The stations are strategically placed around your property, forming a protective barrier.

Once termites find the bait, they take it back to their colony for complete elimination. Having Sentricon Always Active® installed for your home ensures continuous protection against subterranean termites, year-round. Our team of experts regularly monitor the bait systems, keeping the efficacy as accurate as possible.

By implementing simple prevention measures you can lessen the chances of these termites taking over. If you’re ready for the experts to get involved, give your local pest control company a call today for a FREE inspection!

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