Attic Insulation – When More Is Better

The temperature is dropping in Georgia and your energy bills are raising.  Do you know the r-value of the insulation in your attic?  Probably not.  The Department of Energy recommends an r-value of 49 with a minimum of 30 in your home insulation.  By adding the recommended r-value to your home, you can ensure that your home is working efficiently while lowering your energy bills.

By adequately insulating your attic you will keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.  This will make your HVAC system use less energy and save you money on your bills.

Northwest Exterminating offers attic insulation that offers many benefits besides just saving energy and putting more money in your pocket.

  • Immediate Return on Your Investment – Typical to see anywhere from 20-38% savings on your energy bills!
  • 10% Tax Credit in 2011 – Homeowners can claim a 10% tax credit (or up to $500) on the installation investment, if TAP is installed in 2011.
  • Permanent Pest Protection in Attic – Roachesants, and other pests like to nest in attics.  TAP Insulation controls these unwanted invaders.
  • Fire Safety – TAP is treated with a fire retardant that forms a charred surface which, when burned, limits the spread of fire.
  • Year-round comfort – TAP allows you to keep more consistent temperatures throughout the seasons.
  • A Break for Your HVAC System – With proper insulation, your heating and cooling systems will not have to work as hard.
  • GREEN Solution – Insulating your home with TAP saves landfill space and conserves energy used in your home.

Call Northwest Exterminating today for a FREE inspection of your attic insulation by one of our highly trained professionals.


Steps to Identifying Ants

close-up of an ant crawling on a wood floorThe southern part of the United States is home to more than 100 ant species.  Georgia is among the states that has a particularly tough time with ants due to the many species that dwell in our region.  Our diverse climate aids in the relocation of many invasive ant species because we have both tropical and temperate northern climates available.

When you call your exterminator to get rid of ants, you want to know that they are really researching the issue and not just spraying.  Northwest takes a IPM approach to managing pest programs.  The first step is identifying the issue, in the case, ants.

 Steps to identifying ants:

  1. Analyze the coloration of the ant.  For example: house ants range in colors from yellow to black; black ants are dark brown to black; thief ants are yellow to light brown; pharaoh ants are light yellow to a reddish brown with black markings on the abdomen; and carpenter ants are red or black.
  2. Look at the size of the ant body.  Many ants we commonly see range in size from 1/16″ to 1/2″ or larger.  Many species will have several different sizes within the nest.
  3. Take notice to where the ants build their nest.  In damaged wood, in oil, in a wall void, etc.
  4. Examine the type of food the ant eats.  Most house ants are attracted to sweet foods left behind in trash, on counters, etc.
  5. Analyze the ants’ behavior.  Some house ants, such as Argentine and carpenter ants, are more aggressive than others.  Do the ants travel in a line or are they more separate in their trails?

Are you having a problem with ants?  If so, call Northwest Exterminating today or go online to fill out your FREE inspection form.

The Stuff Sci-Fis are Made Out Of

This sounds like the kind of stuff that sci-fi movies are made out of. Researchers have been working to outfit insects with tiny electronic sensors in hopes of creating insects that can be used in applications ranging from search and rescue to espionage, reports John Roach for MSNBC.

 Researchers recently published findings in the Journal of the American Chemical Society which suggests that they are close to solving the problem of finding a reliable power source for the bug-borne sensors.
Batteries alone installed on insects’ backs fail to deliver proper long-term power to support reconnaissance and first-response missions, Huffington Post reports. So researchers at the University of Michigan are developing techniques to harness the movement, body heat and the insects’ body chemistry.
The technique, basically a fuel cell, works by introducing a series of enzymes to break down complex molecules that the cockroach produces when it eats, and oxidizing the resulting sugars to release electrons; these are then run through the fuel cell to create electricity.
This means that power can be produced without the insect needing to be in motion, and researchers are optimistic about the applications for such a technology.
Northwest Exterminating
Technical Director
LEED Green Associate

The Weird and Wonderful World of Pests 1/23/12 Edition

The Weird and Wonderful World of Pests

  • Based on various sampling, the total number of insect species is between 15 and 30 million.
  • Some female cockroaches are devoted mothers, carrying their offspring in little pouches like kangaroos. One species even nourishes her young in the uterus with a milk rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
  • Out of the 4000 known species of cockroaches only 20 types are classified as pests.
  • Mother Dung Beetles tenderly care for their young by cleaning away toxic molds and fungi off the dung balls where her larva lives and feasts.
  • The exoskeleton of a scorpion, made of chitin, reflects back ultraviolet rays and will glow pink or green under the moonlight or a black light.  Fossilized scorpions still glow under ultraviolet after 300 million years.

If you have a question, Ask Our Mouse!!  Or call us at 888.466.7849


Importance of a WDO

Having a home inspected for Wood Destroying Organisms is critical. Many homes in Georgia have a termite warranty, however this may or may not cover any damages caused by termites. A termite warranty does not protect you from the other wood destroying organisms such as Powder Post Beetles, Wood Boring Beetles, Drywood Termites, and Wood Decaying Fungi. Even if a home has a termite warranty, it may not have been inspected for years. Yearly inspections are not required by Georgia law. So protect yourself and your investment by demanding an Official Georgia Wood Infestation Report from a licensed Georgia pest control operator. This will help you make an informed decision including the history of evidence of both past and present infestations of Wood Destroying Organisms.

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