Earwigs are very common pests around homes in Atlanta and in Georgia. These insects were once believed to crawl into human ears and sew them shut.
- Earwigs have a pair of forcep-like appendages on the rear of the abdomen which contributed to the medieval belief that the insect could sew the ear shut
Earwigs can exist in large numbers around homes that have large quantities of mulch and organic matter around the foundation
Will enter through cracks in the slab or around door and window frames
Do not cause any damage to the structure, but can be a nuisance if in your home
Some species can emit a noxious odor
Generally beneficial decomposers of organic matter when outdoors, but some species will attack ornamental plants and vegetables
Strawberries are a particularly attractive target
Females will dig a burrow up to 9 inches deep under mulch and lay a cluster of eggs
Eggs hatch into nymphal earwigs which will leave the burrow and begin the path to adulthood
Granular baits around the exterior perimeter
Residual spray applications around the perimeter
We have service centers throughout Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Service Centers: M-F 7:30AM - 5:00PM
Customer Care: M-F 6:30AM - 5:30PM