Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels don’t really fly they glide from trees using a flap of loose skin that connects their front and hind legs, and can cross distances up to 150 feet using their tale to steer the direction.



  • Flying squirrels have a grayish brown body with white belly

  • Soft and thick fur

  • Weighs 4 to 6.5 ounces

  • Up to 12 inches long including the tail, which is nearly as long as the head and body

  • Large eyes

  • Make a low, soft chirp when they are in danger


  • Flying squirrels are nocturnal but may also be seen during the day

  • Eat mostly plants, seeds, nuts, leaves, bark, flowers, and roots

  • Usually nest in tree cavities and sometimes make “dreys” during the warmer months


  • Occasionally, flying squirrels find refuge in attics when roof gaps make it easily accessible

  • Will often make a nest in your attic insulation

  • Can cause odor and damage from urine

  • Can keep you away at night with their nocturnal activity


  • Provide an exclusion barrier along the roofline

  • Set traps out

  • Locate and seal off any entry points ¼” or larger to prevent squirrels and other rodents from entering your home

  • Caulk any openings or crevices

  • To keep squirrels from using utility wires as a way to your attic, slit a 2-foot section of 2-inch PVC pipe lengthwise and slip it over the wire. This makes squirrels unable to maintain their footing when the pipe rotates.

  • Cut back tree limbs that are close to your structure


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