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Armadillos are closely related to anteaters and sloths. They are often useful in medical research related to multiple births, organ transplants, birth defects, and many diseases. There are 20 different types of armadillos. They consume many noxious and harmful insects. They can jump up to 3 feet high.
Armadillos have huge front claws used for digging
Long, sticky tongues to extract insects from their hiding places
Get their name from their armor-like shell (shell actually consists of small bony plates covered with a layer of skin)
Mammals with soft hairs on their stomach
Armadillos eat insects, beetles and fruit
Usually nocturnal they tend to be inactive during the daylight hours
In the winter, tends to forge for food during the warm daylight hours and returns to its burrow in the evening
Leaves, grass, and other vegetation are used to create their nesting or bedding area
Armadillos dig their burrows 2 to 3 feet below the surface
May have several tunnels which can be 20 feet in length with several entrances that connect to the nesting area
Not usually a problem for people but, at times, can be a major pest by digging in search of insects to eat while on your property
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M-F 7:30AM – 5:30PM
Saturday 9AM – 1PM